Files and folders in USB filesystem - RFL100

RFL100 User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

Following files and folders are present in the USB filesystem of the data logger. Vaisala support may request files from the data logger to help with solving your support request.

Except for the \Data\Update\ folder that is used to load the firmware update file, the filesystem is read-only.

Table 1. Files and folders in USB filesystem
Path and file Content
\Data\ Contains the licenses and notices for open source software used in this product.
\Data\Configuration\Diagnostics.txt Summary of error code activations.
\Data\Configuration\Parameters.json Configuration parameters of the data logger.
\Data\Configuration\State.json Current time and state flags of the data logger.
\Data\Configuration\Version.json Product code and firmware version of the data logger.
\Data\Log\EventLog.txt Event history for the data logger.
\Data\Log\Log_1h.txt Measurement data from the past hour.
\Data\Log\Log_24h.txt Measurement data from the past 24 hours.
\Data\Log\Log_30d.txt Measurement data from the past 30 days.
\Data\Update\ Folder for firmware update. Copy the firmware update file here to start the update.