Signal strength indicator - RFL100

RFL100 User Guide

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User guide
Table 1. Signal strength indicator

Signal strength indicator shows the strength of the signal from the currently connected access point. The indicator is updated when the data logger communicates with the access point, once every 4 minutes.

Symbol on display Description
No indicator. Radio temporarily shut down between access point connection attempts.
Antenna symbol but no signal bars. Radio is on but data logger is not currently connected to an access point.
Antenna symbol with 1–4 signal bars. Data logger is connected to an access point. The bars indicate the signal strength of the latest received message.
Any signal strength level is fine as long as the data logger stays continuously connected. A communication break will cause viewLinc Enterprise Server to trigger a device communication alarm for the affected device. If a data logger is causing repeated communication alarms, it does not have a reliable access point connection. Consider relocating or adding an access point to provide a better signal.