Probe interface - RFL100

RFL100 User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

The interface between RFL100 and the detachable probes is digital. RFL100 reads the measurement results from the probe(s) and stores them in its own memory using the following resolution:

  • RH is stored with resolution of 0.1 %RH
  • T is stored with resolution of 0.05 K
  • CO2 is stored with resolution of 100 ppm (0.01 %)

Storing the measurement samples using these optimized resolutions allows smaller storage size and faster transfer speed. The same resolutions are used when the samples are sent and stored to viewLinc Enterprise Server.

Local display of RFL100 shows the latest temperature measurements using one decimal place. This does not affect the internal resolution of temperature measurement in any way.

Logged temperature data is limited to range −40 … +60 °C (−40 … +140 °F) when a CO2 measurement probe is connected.

The probes contain their own identifying information (such as serial number) and information about the latest calibration (calibration date and information text string). RFL100 makes this information available to viewLinc. If a probe is replaced or the calibration information is changed, the information in viewLinc is automatically updated.