Loop-powered display - DMT152

DMT152 User Guide

Document code
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User guide

DMT152 can be connected to a loop-powered external LED display. The display provides a reading of the output parameter. The display is powered by the 4 ... 20 mA current signal, so there is no need for an external power supply.

Two models are available:

  • Nokeval 301 (Vaisala order code 226476)
  • Nokeval 302 (with alarm relays, Vaisala order code 234759)

The display is delivered at its default settings. Configure the display functions and scaling according to the documentation delivered with the display. For a wiring example, see Figure 2 .

The loop resistance of the display must be included in the loop resistance calculation for the complete current loop. For the loop resistance of the display, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation.
Figure 1. Nokeval 301 loop-powered display
Figure 2. DMT152 Nokeval 301/302 wiring diagram