Register number | Address | Description | Data format | Unit/Valid range |
General | ||||
1287 | 0506hex |
Condensation prevention on/off. Enables the condensation prevention heating functions of the device. When warming is active, values of output parameters that depend on temperature measurement (for example, relative humidity) are unavailable unless temperature is written to register 0334hex from an external source. |
16-bit boolean |
0 = off (default) 1 = on |
Compensation setpoints | ||||
769 | 0300hex |
Pressure compensation setpoint The entered value is persistent and remains unchanged at device restart. |
32-bit float |
Unit: hPa Default: 1013.25 hPa |
821 | 0334hex |
Temperature compensation setpoint. If a value is written to this register, probe uses it instead of its own temperature measurement. When condensation prevention warming is active, temperature must be written to this register to enable output parameters that depend on temperature measurement (for example, relative humidity). At device reset, the value is cleared. |
32-bit float | Unit: °C |
Sensor purge | ||||
773 | 0304hex | Sensor purge interval | 32-bit float | Unit: min 10 ... 14400 |
1283 | 0502hex | Interval purge on/off | 16-bit boolean |
0 = Off 1 = On |
1284 | 0503hex | Startup purge on/off | 16-bit boolean |
0 = Off 1 = On |
Filtering | ||||
795 | 031Ahex | Measurement filtering factor | 32-bit float |
Range: 0.000 ... 1.000 1.000 = Reading shows 100% of the most recent measured value (no filtering, default) 0.01 ... 0.99 = Reading shows 1 ... 99% of the most recent measured value and part of the previous reading (filtering is applied). For example, "0.9" means that the filtered measurement reading = 90% of the most recent measured value + 10% of the previous reading. |
1282 | 0501hex | Enable of disable measurement filtering using the user-defined filtering factor (register 031Ahex) | 16-bit boolean |
0 = Off 1 = On |
Communication | ||||
1537 | 0600hex | Modbus address | 16-bit integer |
1 ... 247 Default: 240 |
1538 | 0601hex | Bit rate | enum |
0 = 300 1 = 600 2 = 1200 3 = 2400 4 = 4800 5 = 9600 6 = 19200 7 = 38400 8 = 57600 9 = 115200 |
1539 | 0602hex | Parity, data, stop bits | enum |
0 = None, 8, 1 1 = None, 8, 2 2 = Even, 8, 1 3 = Even, 8, 2 4 = Odd, 8, 1 5 = Odd, 8, 2 (default: 1 = None, 8, 2) |
1540 | 0603hex | Response delay | 16-bit integer |
Unit: ms Range: 0 ... 1000 |
Register number | Address | Description | Data format | Unit/Valid range |
Functions | ||||
1285 | 0504hex | Start sensor purge | 16-bit integer |
When writing to register: 1 = Start sensor purge When sensor purge is in progress, the value of the register will count up from 0 to 100. When the value reaches 100 the sensor purge is complete. |
1542 | 0605hex | Restart device | 16-bit integer |
When writing to register: 1 = Restart the device |