Holding and saving the display - GMP252 - MI70

GMP252 User Guide

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User guide
With the Hold/Save function, you can freeze a certain display reading. This reading can be saved in the MI70 memory and it will be available even after MI70 is disconnected from the transmitter.
  1. In the basic display, select Hold/Save. Alternatively, select Main menu > Display > Hold/Save display > Hold.
  2. Press Save.
  3. To view the saved display, go to basic display and select Record > View recorded data. Alternatively, select Main menu > Recording/Viewing > View recorded data.

    A list of saved displays and data recordings appears. The icons on the left of the date and time indicate whether the file is a saved display or a longer recording of data:

    Saved display
    Data recording
  4. Select the saved display based on date and time by pressing the right arrow button.