Configuring gas level alerts - OPT100

OPT100 Installation Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
Figure 1. Alert limits settings page

Configure gas level alerts on the Alert limits settings page. There are separate rows for each individual gas level alert. Alerts for rate of change (ROC) values are on their own tabs. By default, all gas level alerts are off.

See OPT100 User Guide (M211858EN) for details.

  1. In the user interface, select Settings > Alert limits.
  2. For each alert you want to configure:
    1. Change to the tab that shows the alert you want to configure.
    2. Enter the Caution Limit in ppm. This is the limit that triggers a gas alert with caution severity.
    3. Enter the Alarm Limit. Alarm limit should be higher than the caution limit, except when configuring a minimum limit alert for total gas pressure (TGP).
    4. If the alert is for the total gas pressure (TGP) value, select if you want the limit value to be a maximum limit (alert active when value is above the limit) or a minimum limit (alert active when value is below the limit).
    5. Set the alert to On to enable it.

    It is possible to have only caution or alarm severity active. If you leave a limit value empty or enter a zero, the corresponding severity will not be active for that gas level alert.

  3. Select Apply to take the new alert limit settings into use.
    Changing gas alert settings will not immediately activate any new alerts. Gas alert status is updated only when the next measurement cycle results set is ready.