Read the public key for key-based authentication from the ceilometer's CLI, and store it in the authorized key location on the SSH server / authorize the server SSH user to receive ceilometer data.
Change the user level.
level 1
On the ceilometer CLI, read the public key.
get cl.sender.publickey
Example public key information.
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzdjdINM4lyIfAY61A7viaJyZXXVhRs+FSfNBGTnj bxaB4vNm8EcAFfVx8HL6Qwv2p+OF9Q3hSTpPv4CSilreLyUtQp8eTWiJ18FtdHyuj31PZnGADYzUot4 tJ689SK9U7LOVlpbsqwI7DlVCPgzRQJ3nLXIXDoODko9moIeXP0JXyBdSFryP8tKbOC3KIIR30y2md2 pUBErryWNN036J/HNGEBc3XRfgywkhE+q1DiMTsx+FEY9ECEW/2VP1nJ9HrrCN/LCXH0dAfFIPi548K Pi78j60kilH2HjAm1YvzdPNjq40aBqbSKUP9LE41ffWmmus/63JXAQqpaQQn9NHH CL61 SSH key for SFTP data transmission ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBD+/DnC PxFb4kIO+mRClR0XRO+e5VEXgSHzYdDeugifHnlfBgkpOulqYEqqfz4SUIa+ABddfdCi7FraTwEA/0k g= CL61 SSH key for SFTP data transmission
There are 2 types of keys, ssh-rsa and ecdsa-sha2-nistp256. Copy them both.
On the SFTP server, go to authorized key location.
nano <filepath to folder>
For example, in a Linux operating system:
nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
The authorized key file opens.
Store the copied public keys of ceilometer in the authorized key location.
Go to the end of the file, press ENTER, and paste the public keys. These are the keys you received from the ceilometer, using the get cl.sender.publickey command.
Make sure that the 2 keys start from their own lines. Make sure that there are no empty lines between the different keys in the file.