Mounting AP10 - AP10

AP10 Quick Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
Figure 1. AP10 mounting methods
Mounting with cable ties (2 pcs)
Mounting with screws (4 pcs)
Figure 2. AP10 screw mounting dimensions
  1. Attach AP10 to its mounting location using the most suitable mounting option. Ensure the unit is securely fixed if you are mounting it higher than 2 m (approx. 6 ft) or in a location where it would pose a hazard if dropped.
  2. Point the antenna up or down for best wireless performance.
  3. Peel off the protective film from the display.
  4. Connect the Ethernet cable.
  5. If the Ethernet cable does not provide power, connect the DC power supply:
    1. Connect the plug to the power supply connector of AP10. Make sure the plug is oriented correctly and goes in all the way.
    2. Rotate the power plug slightly to lock it to the connector.
    3. Connect the power supply to the wall socket.
  6. Secure the power supply so it does not fall or hang on its cable.
  7. Wait for the access point to start up. Verify from the touchscreen that the access point is fully connected and no errors are shown. Make sure installation mode is still enabled if you want to connect new data loggers.
    If the message Not connected to NTP is shown on the display, see Troubleshooting NTP connections for instructions on how to resolve time server connection problems.