Command reference - AWS310 - AWS310-SITE - AWS430 - MAWS201

AWS Client User Guide

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Document type
User guide
Table 1. Help text syntax
Generic representation Example
Type the command and the parameter name. Parameters shown in [ ] can be omitted. warnings [clear]

To see the warnings, type:


To remove warnings, type:

warnings clear

Replace the parameter symbols with values. Parameters shown in [ ] can be omitted. time [HH MM SS YY MM DD] To see current time, type:


To set a new time, type:

time 15 45 00

To set a new time and date, type:

time 15 45 00 15 06 18

Replace the parameter symbols with values. Parameters shown in < > cannot be omitted. loggo <group ID>

To issue a command to the QML data logger, type the command and press ENTER. Use a space between the command name and the subsequent parameters.

Table 2. Shortcut keys used with commands
Key Usage
BACKSPACE Delete the last typed character.
CTRL+C Abort the file commands (dir, del, copy, move, verify).

Scroll through the list of previously typed commands:

  • P: previous
  • N: next
CTRL+P, ENTER Repeat the previous command.
Table 3. Commands
Command syntax Description
altitude [meters] altitude shows the current station altitude in meters from sea level.
altitude [meters] changes the setting.
cd directory Changes the current directory.
cd / brings you back to the root directory.
cd .. moves you up 1 directory level.
chmod <filename> <r|w|x>

Changes the access attributes for the given file:

  • r: Read
  • w: Write
  • x: Execute
The setup file Basic/Advanced/Lowpower must have the attributes rwx.
close Closes the service connection.
copy <source_file> [destination_file] Copies a file to another location.
del <filename> [filename] Deletes the specified file. You can only delete files that have ther write access attribute (see the chmod command).
dir [file/path] [/F] Displays a list of files in a directory and subdirectories, and the amount of used and free disk space. The file information includes name, access attributes, time, date, and size.
disable <measurement> Disables the measurement input or sensor.
enable <measurement> Enables the measurement input or sensor.
errors [clear] errors shows the active errors. Errors indicate that there is something wrong in the software.
errors clear clears the active errors.
EXTFS <INFO|ERASE|HELP> EXTFS INFO shows the information on the CompactFlash memory card.
EXTFS ERASE formats the CompactFlash memory card.
EXTFS HELP shows the help for the EXTFS command.
ftp <getputtest> <source_file> [destination_file] [‑if interface] [‑user username] [‑pass password] [‑rst restart_at] [‑active] [‑opt options]

Transfers files to or from the QML data logger or tests the connection to the FTP server:

  • source_file defines the name of the source file on the QML data logger or the FTP server.
  • destination_file defines the name of the destination file.
  • ‑if interface defines the name of the interface to use for the FTP connection.
  • ‑user username and ‑pass password define the username and password for the FTP server.
ftp put <source_file> [‑user username] [‑pass password] uploads a file from the QML data logger to the FTP server.
ftp get <source_file> [‑user username] [‑pass password] downloads a file to the QML data logger.
ftp test [destination_file] [‑user username] [‑pass password] tests the connection to the FTP server.
help [command] help lists all the available commands.
help command displays the command syntax.
http <get|post> <URI> [‑src source_file] [‑type content_type] [‑dst destination_file] [‑size max_size] [‑if interface] [‑dbg Y|N]

Retrieves information from the server or posts information on it.

  • URI defines the HTTP URI to read from or write to (for example, a file).
  • ‑src source_file defines the source filename.
  • ‑type content_type defines the content type of the message (see
  • ‑dst destination_file defines the destination filename.
  • ‑size max_size defines the maximum size of the returned content.
  • ‑if interface defines the network interface (for example, eth0).
  • ‑dbg Y|N defines whether or not to send debugging information to the debugging port.
ifpriority <setdefault|setprimary|setsecondary> [interface] Displays and modifies the priority order of network interfaces.
ipconfig Shows the IP configuration of all open network interfaces. The command has no parameters.
LASTVAL <component> <ID> [F] [S]

Shows the measured value before any validation and the status produced during validation.

  • F = Force ID
  • S = Sensor status
logdel <group_ID> <lastdate (YYMMDD)> Deletes the log files that are dated earlier than the last given date.
LOGFS <ERASE|DEFRAGD|SAT> Erases all data in the log system and resets the QML data logger. Write the command and the parameter in upper case.
loggo <group_ID> Starts logging the given log group.
logshow <group_ID> [start (YYMMDDHH)] [count] [item_1 item_2 ...] logshow L1 shows 1 line of the current day.
logshow L1 40 shows 40 lines of the current day.
logshow L1 170618 10 shows 10 lines starting from June 18, 2017.
logshownext <group_ID> [count] Used after the logshow command, logshownext shows the immediately following (later) log entries.
logshowprev <group_ID> [count] Used after the logshow command, logshowprev shows the immediately preceding (earlier) log entries.
logstatus <group_ID> logstatus shows the statuses of all log groups.
logstatus <group_ID> shows the logging state and variables of the defined log group.
logstop <group_ID> Stops the logging of the defined log group.
md <directory> Creates a directory. For example: md /Ext/logdata
move <source_file> [destination_file] Copies a file to another location and removes the source file.
net <warnings|statistics [clear]> net statistics shows the network statistics.
net statistics clear clears the statistics.
net warnings shows the network warnings.
net warnings clear clears the warnings.
netif [open <interface>|close <interface>] netif shows the status of all configured network interfaces.
netif open interface opens the given interface.
netif close interface closes the given interface.
ntp <set|show|test> <server[:port]> [max_round_trip] [interface]
  • port specifies the port to use for the connection. The default port is 123.
  • max_round_trip specifies the maximum time (in milliseconds) allowed between requesting the server time and its reception.
  • interface is the name of the interface to use for the NTP connection.
ntp set server sets the QML data logger time.
ntp show server shows the time of the NTP server clock.
ntp test server tests the connection to the NTP server.
open Opens a service connection.
parameters <load|save> <filename> [‑opt ‑d|‑o|‑p]

Loads or saves static parameters and parameter sets from or to filename. When loading static parameters and parameter sets from a file:

  • opt ‑d(efaultsonly) overwrites static parameters and parameter sets with a default value.
  • opt ‑o(verwrite) overwrites static parameters and parameter sets.
  • opt ‑p(reserve) preserves static parameters and parameter sets.
paramset [set_name [param_name [value]]] paramset lists all parameter sets.
paramset set_name shows the values of all parameters in the given parameter set.
paramset set_name param_name shows the value of the given parameter in the given parameter set.
paramset set_name param_name value sets the value of the given parameter in the given parameter set.
paramsetclear <set_name> [param_name] paramsetclear removes all parameter sets.
paramsetclear set_name removes parameters in a given set.
paramsetclear set_name param_name removes a parameter in a parameter set.
ping <destination_IP_address or hostname> Tests access to a host based on its IP address or DNS name.
pslevel [meters] pslevel shows the current pressure sensor level.
pslevel meters changes the pressure sensor level in meters from the station altitude.
rd <directory> Removes the given directory.
rename <current_name> <new_name>

Changes the name of a file from current_name to new_name. For example:

rename /Ext/dst105.hex /Ext/dst105r.hex

rep <report_name> Shows the contents of a report. For example: rep MyRep0
reset [delay (seconds)] Resets the QML data logger (warm boot). If you do not give the delay time, the logger resets immediately.
serial <port> [speed parity bits stop] serial port shows the settings of the given port.

serial port and the new parameters change the settings of the given port:

  • speed: 300 ... 19200
  • parity: N, O, or E
  • bits: 7 or 8
  • stop: 0 or 1

For example: serial 0 9600 N 8 1

sname [station_name] sname shows the current station name.

sname station_name changes the station name. If the station name begins with a digit or contains a space, the name must be in quotes. For example:

sname "Vaisala Weather Station"

spclear <param_name|ALL> Clears the given static parameter or all parameters.
spset [param_name] [value] spset shows a list of static parameters.

spset parameter value sets the given value to the given static parameter.

This command is not usually needed.
spval [param_name] [value]

Shows information on the given parameter type:

  • I = Integer
  • R = Real
  • S = String
  • B = Byte array
  • Number field with the parameter status value in hexadecimal

Can also be used to set the static parameter value (see spset).

sysinfo [sensors|ports] sysinfo shows a summary of system information.
sysinfo sensors shows system information on system sensors.
sysinfo ports shows the system information output and information on communication module ports.
time [HH MM SS YY MM DD] time shows the current time.
time HH MM SS changes the current time. For example: time 14 10 00
time HH MM  SS YY MM DD changes the current date. For example: time 14 10 00 98 12 31
timezone [hours] timezone shows the time zone.
timezone hours defines the time difference from UTC and sets a new time zone. For example: timezone 2
userlevel [level <set|clear>] Protects the system from unauthorized use. The command provides 3 password protected access levels to shell commands, as well as to the visibility of system data. By default, the user levels are not in use.
verify <source_file> [destination_file] Compares 2 files. If they are different, the response is: Error: Files are different
warnings [clear] warnings shows the active warnings. Warnings indicate that there are some problems in the software.
warnings clear clears the active warnings.
zr [rectimeout <time_in_ms>] Zmodem command for transferring the setup file to the QML data logger (used instead of the AWS Client function).
zs <filename> Zmodem command for sending a file from the QML data logger (used instead of the AWS Client function).

The following commands allow the use of wildcards: chmod, dir, del, copy, move, verify, and zs.

For example: copy /log/L2*.* /Ext/log_L2copy