This document lists the new features implemented in Vaisala PWD series sensors.
Sensor software update
Run the software update on your computer by using the command line interface (CLI) of the sensor with PWD Loader software included in the SW Update Package.
You can update new software on site. The most recent update package is available from Vaisala Technical Support
Software version 2.15
Availability: 2024-12-05, all models
PWD10 v 2.15
PWD10 v 2.15TL
PWD12 v 2.15
PWD12 v 2.15TL
PWD20 v 2.15
PWD20 v 2.15W
PWD22 v 2.15
PWD22M v 2.15
PWD22Q v 2.15
PWD31 v 2.15
PWD32 v 2.15
PWD50 v 2.15
PWD52 v 2.15
- Startup routine simplified. The measurement functionality of the device is not affected.
Software version 2.13
PWD22 v 2.13 2021-11-04
PWD12 v 2.13 2021-11-05
- Added features for PWD use as part of
Vaisala Road Weather Station RWS200 with Vaisala Data Management Unit DMU703 software
version 4.4.0 onwards.
- Added a possibility to correct precipitation amounts and compensate for sensor contamination. Disabled by default.
- Factory value of window clean value gets stored in the device for to be used by RWS200 as a reference value. The stored data is not used by PWD.
- A new data message added for communicating with RWS200.
Software version 2.11
Availability: PWD52 v 2.11 2020-06-12
- Past weather reporting added according to weather code table WMO 4531. Valid only for PWD52.
- Added new message MES 9.
Line MES 9 data elements Line 1 MOR alarm
Overall alert
MOR, 1 minute average
MOR, 10 minute average
Precipitation type Present weather instant
Present weather 15 min
Present weather 60 min
NEW Past weather Precipitation intensity
Precipitation accumulation
Snow accumulation
Ambient temperature
Background luminance Line 2 Present weather (METAR code) Line 3 Recent weather (METAR code) Line 4 Optional STATUS word An example of MES 9 content without Line 4. Every line ends with <CR><LF>.
00 15256 10394 R- 61 61 61 66 0.16 46.82 443 0.3 /////<CR><LF> -RA<CR><LF> RERA<CR><LF>
Line 1 details:Character number Field Sample Data element Value (Range) 1 a
MOR alarm 0, 1, 2
2 h
HW error (=1), HW Warning (=2) 0, 1, 2
4-8 visii
MOR (m), 1 minute average 0–99999
10-14 visia
MOR (m), 10 minute average 0–99999
16-18 pty
Precipitation type (NWS code) 20-21 wi
Present weather instant (SYNOP) 0–99
23-24 wa
Present weather 15 min (SYNOP) 0–99
26-27 wh
Present weather 1 h (SYNOP) 0–99
29-30 ww
Past weather 00–99
32-37 iii.ii
Precipitation intensity (mm/h) 0.00–999.99
39-44 aaa.aa
Precipitation accumulation (mm) 0.00–999.99
46-49 ssss
Snow accumulation (mm) 0–9999
51-55 ttt.t
Ambient temperature (°C) -99.9–99.9
57-61 bbbbb
Background luminance (cd/m2) 0–99999
62 <CR>
Carriage return 0x0D
63 <LF>
Line feed 0x0A
Software version 2.10
Availability: PWD22 v 2.10 2020-06-12
- The software occasionally switched off the +12 V heating output for a very short time. This has been fixed. The +12 V output stays continuously on.
Software version 2.09
Availability: PWD52 v 2.09 2016-04-11
- Range extended from 35 km to 50 km.
Software version 2.08
PWD22 v 2.08 2015-08-07
PWD52 v 2.08 2015-08-07
- Polling mode communication robustness improvement
Software version 2.07
PWD22 v 2.07 2013-06-03
PWD52 v 2.07 2013-06-04
- METAR updated to comply with ICAO Annex 3, Amendment 73 (2010): In the recent weather
field, showers are never reported for freezing rain or freezing drizzle:
- RESHFZDZ is never reported, REFZDZ is reported instead.
- RESHFZRA is never reported, REFZRA is reported instead.
Version 2.07 has been released only for PWD models reporting METAR (PWD22, PWD32 and PWD52).
All new features of version 2.06 are included in version 2.07 (also for PWD52).
Software version 2.06
Availability: PWD22 v 2.06 2012-06-27
Version 2.06 has been released for PWD22 only.
PWD22 software version 1.09 (for old HW) also includes this feature.
Software version 2.05
PWD10 v 2.05 2012-03-29
PWD20 v 2.05 2012-03-16
PWD50 v 2.05 2012-03-27
PWD12 v 2.05 2012-03-16
PWD22 v 2.05 2012-03-16
PWD52 v 2.05 2012-03-30
- Support for new hardware (PWC15).
- All features of version 1.08 (for models that did not have version 1.08).
Version 2.05 is based on version 1.08.
Version 2.05 does not include all features of version 1.09 (version 2.06 also includes the features of version 1.09).
Software version 1.09
Availability: PWD22 v 1.09 2012-06-27
Version 1.09 has been released for PWD22 only.
Software version 1.08
Availability: PWD22 v 1.08 2009-10-15
- Improvements in rain plate diagnostics, polling mode communication robustness, and background luminance calculation.
- Other changes:
- Day/night limit for luminance sensor adjusted to 10 (roughly corresponding to cd/m²).
- METAR present weather codes updated according to latest annex 3: FZ left out of SHFZRASN. Instead, the sensor will now report SHRASN.