DigiCORA stores the following ozone preparation data and ozone summary data (called metadata in GAW Report 268). All the data is available in custom reports as special sequences. For more information, see Special sequences in MW51 User Guide (M212751EN).
Explanation for markings used in the following tables:
- In the (Data source) column, if user input is required, it is marked with *, and (Remembered) means that the system remembers the previously entered or saved values.
- In the (Special sequence key, type, and unit) column, default unit is in parenthesis.
Name | Data source | Special sequence key, type, and unit | Included in WOUDC section |
Ozone sensor manufacturer |
User input*, Remembered |
O3SensorManufacturer string |
Ozone sensor model |
User input*, Remembered |
O3SensorModel string |
Ozone sensor serial number |
User input |
O3SensorSerial string |
Ozone sensor date of previous launch |
User input |
O3SensorPreviousLaunch DateTime |
Ozone sensor battery type |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensorBattery string |
Ozone sensor heater |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensorHeater string |
Ozone sensor pump temperature location |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensorPumpTemperatureLocation string |
#FLIGHT_SUMMARY SampleTemperatureType |
Ozone sensor interface model |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensorInterfaceModel string |
Ozone sensor interface serial number |
Read from interface |
O3SensorInterfaceSerial string |
Sensing solution recipe (SST) |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensingSolutionRecipe string |
Sensing solution identifier |
User input |
O3SensingSolutionIdentifier string |
Date of first solution |
User input |
O3SensingSolutionFirstDate DateTime |
Cathode solution volume | User input*, Remembered |
O3CathodeSolutionVolume double, (cm3) |
Ozone sensor preparation unit |
User input, Remembered |
O3SensorPreparationUnit string |
Source of zero air |
User input, Remembered |
O3ZeroAirSource string |
Name | Data source | Special sequence key, type, and unit | Included in WOUDC section |
Background current before exposure to ozone (IB0) |
User input |
O3BackgroundCurrentIB0 double, (µA) |
Response time from 4 to 1.5 µA |
User input |
O3FastResponseTime double, (s) |
Background current after exposure to ozone (IB1) |
User input |
O3BackgroundCurrentIB1 double, (µA) |
Time when IB1 was measured |
User input |
O3BackgroundCurrentIB1Time DateTime |
Measured average flow rate time (t100) |
User input* |
O3FlowrateTime double, (s/100 ml) |
Manufacturer reported flow rate time |
User input |
O3FlowrateTimeManufacturer double, (s/100 ml) |
Measured average flow rate time (t100) uncertainty |
User input* |
O3FlowrateTimeUncertainty double, (s/100 ml) |
Pump temperature during flowrate measurement (TP,Lab) |
User input |
O3PumpTemperatureLaboratory double, (K), C, F |
Lab temperature during flowrate measurement (TLab) |
User input* |
O3TemperatureLaboratory double, (K), C, F |
Lab humidity during flow rate measurement (RHLab) |
User input* |
O3HumidityLaboratory double, (%) |
Lab pressure during flow rate measurement (PLab) |
User input* |
O3PressureLaboratory double, (hPa), mb |
Pump motor current at ground |
User input |
O3PumpMotorCurrentAtGround double, (mA) |
#PUMP_SETTINGS MotorCurrent |
Ozone ground check reference unit |
User input, Remembered |
O3GcReferenceUnit string |
Ozone ground check reference value |
User input |
O3GcReferenceValue double, (ppbv) |
Ozone sensor ground check value |
User input |
O3SensorGcValue double, (ppbv) |
Total ozone reference instrument |
User input, Remembered |
O3TotalOzoneReferenceInstrument string |
Total ozone reference instrument type |
User input, Remembered |
O3TotalOzoneReferenceInstrumentType string |
Total ozone reference value |
User input |
O3TotalOzoneReferenceValue double, (DU) |
Total ozone reference value uncertainty |
User input |
O3TotalOzoneReferenceValueUncertainty double, (DU) |
Total ozone reference time |
User input |
O3TotalOzoneReferenceTime DateTime |
Name | Data source | Special sequence | Included in WOUDC section |
Background current used in processing |
User input* |
O3BackgroundCurrentUsed double, (µA) |
Background current uncertainty |
User input*, Remembered |
O3BackgroundCurrentUsedUncertainty double, (µA) |
Type of background current used in processing |
User input, Remembered |
O3BackgroundCurrentUsedType string |
Background current correction method |
Constant |
O3BackgroundCurrentCorrectionMethod string |
#FLIGHT_SUMMARY BackgroundCorrection |
Flow rate measurement method |
User input, Remembered |
O3FlowrateMeasurementMethod string |
Flow rate humidity correction (CPH) source |
Calculated |
O3FlowrateHumidityCorrectionSource string |
Operator-given flow rate humidity correction (CPH) |
User input |
O3FlowrateHumidityCorrectionOperator double |
Flow rate humidity correction (CPH) |
Calculated |
O3FlowrateHumidityCorrection double |
Operator-given flow rate temperature correction (CPL) |
User input |
O3FlowrateTemperatureCorrectionOperator double |
Flow rate temperature correction (CPL) |
Calculated |
O3FlowrateTemperatureCorrection double |
Operator-given corrected flow rate (ϕP0) |
User input |
O3FlowrateCorrectedOperator double, (ml/s) |
Corrected flow rate (ϕP0) |
Calculated |
O3FlowrateCorrected double, (ml/s) |
Pump efficiency correction source |
User input*, Remembered |
O3PumpEfficiencyCorrectionSource string |
#PUMP_CORRECTION Includes correction tables based on the selection. |
Conversion efficiency source |
Constant |
O3ConversionEfficiencySource string |
Conversion efficiency slow stoichiometry factor |
User input, Remembered |
O3ConversionEfficiencySlow double |
Conversion efficiency slow stoichiometry factor uncertainty |
User input, Remembered |
O3ConversionEfficiencySlowUncertainty double |
Slow reaction time constant |
User input, Remembered |
O3SlowReactionTimeConstant double, (s) |
Median filter radius |
User input*, Remembered |
O3MedianFilterRadius int |
Name | Data sources | Special sequence key, type, and unit | Included in WOUDC section |
Total ozone |
Calculated |
O3TotalOzone double, (DU) |
Integrated ozone |
Calculated |
O3IntegratedOzone double, (DU) |
#FLIGHT_SUMMARY IntegratedO3 |
Residual ozone |
Calculated |
O3ResidualOzone double, (DU) |
Residual ozone source |
Constant |
O3ResidualSource string |
Total ozone normalization factor |
Calculated |
O3TotalOzoneNormalizationFactor double |
#FLIGHT_SUMMARY NormalizationFactor |
Name | Data source | Special sequence key, type, and unit | Included in WOUDC section |
Agency |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcAgency string |
Data version |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcDataVersion string |
Scientific authority |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcScientificAuthority string |
#PLATFORM ScientificAuthority |
Platform type |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcPlatformType string |
Platform id |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcPlatformId string |
Platform name |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcPlatformName string |
Country |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcCountry string |
#PLATFORM Country |
User input, Remembered |
O3WoudcGawId string |