Recording surface ozone - RS41-SG - RS41-SGP

Ozone Sounding with DigiCORA software and RS41 User Guide

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User guide
Suspend the radiosonde about 1.5 meters above ground level. Run for 5 minutes to measure surface ozone.
  1. Take the flight box outside and connect the free-hanging battery cable with the ozone sensor battery cable.

    As the pump is quite noisy, you should be able to hear the ozone sensor pump running.

    Taped flight box, battery connectors in front
    While the ozone sensor is measuring the surface ozone, you can construct sounding accessories and fill the balloon.
  2. Monitor preflight ozone data and make sure that preflight ozone data is coming through and measured values are reasonable.

    There are 2 ways for monitoring preflight ozone data:

    1. Go to Sounding > Graphs > Ozone.

      Preflight Measured pump temperature and Ozone partial pressure values are displayed at the bottom of the view.

    2. Go to Sounding > Table. From the Display menu, select Preflight ozone data.