Connecting radiosonde to ozone sensor - RS41-SG - RS41-SGP

Ozone Sounding with DigiCORA software and RS41 User Guide

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User guide
  1. Connect OIF to the radiosonde using cable CBL210224.
    1. Connect the radiosonde cable to the interface terminal Radiosonde.
      Connecting radiosonde cable
    2. Connect the interface to the radiosonde.

      You must break a small piece of the EPS cover to get access to the radiosonde interface. Use your finger, a pen, or a small plastic spoon, as shown in the following figure. Do not use a metallic object.

      Slightly bend the piece and remove it.

      To avoid short-circuiting the radiosonde, use a non-metallic tool to break the EPS cover.
      Bending and removing piece of EPS cover
    3. Before connecting the interface to the radiosonde, check that none of the pins on the radiosonde interface are deformed.
      Checking radiosonde interface connector
    4. Firmly push the connector to the interface connector pins located inside the radiosonde.
      OIF connected to radiosonde interface connector
    After the connection, the radiosonde LED light is blinking green.
  2. Attach the radiosonde to the holder in the flight box as instructed below.
    Detailed capacity information on the radiosonde battery is available in the radiosonde data sheet. OIF interface reduces the battery operating time by approximately 2–4 %. If there are any delays in the sounding preparations or before the sounding starts while the radiosonde is powered from the battery, you can switch off RS41 by pressing the power switch. Switch the radiosonde back on before launching the balloon.
    1. Hold the radiosonde holder with your other hand and place the radiosonde bottom end to the holder first.
      Attaching radiosonde to the holder
    2. Use your finger to push the top part of the holder against the radiosonde so that the radiosonde is tightly attached to the holder.
      Pushing the holder into place
    3. If you attach the radiosonde in a lower position than shown here, push the holder against the flight box wall.
      Radiosonde RS41 attached to the holder
  3. After attaching the radiosonde, place the ozone sensor into the flight box.
    1. For an example of the (SPC) sensor inside the flight box, see the following figure.

      Make sure that the wires and tubes are led through the grooves in the flight box.

      SPC ozone sensor inside the flight box
      Ozone sensor placed inside the flight box
      Pump motor battery wires led through the groove
      Air tube led through the groove
    2. For an example of the (EN-SCI) sensor inside the flight box, see the following figure. Make sure that the wires and tubes are led through the grooves in the flight box.

      In case of EN-SCI sensor, make sure to place the flight box cover (number 1 in the following figure) and the ozone sensor inside the box (number 2) in the correct position and leave enough head space for the pump. The cover must not touch the pump as it may prevent the pump from running. Number 3 indicates the radiosonde position on the flight box wall.

      EN-SCI ozone sensor inside the flight box, cover about to be closed
      Flight box cover
      Ozone sensor placed inside the flight box
      Radiosonde RS41-SG
  4. Do not connect the battery wire from OIF yet, leave the connector outside the flight box.
  5. Slide the battery holder into the ECC-6A ozone sensor styrofoam box but leave the battery wires outside.

    By default, the ECC6AB ozone sensor is equipped with 2 x 9 V lithium batteries and a battery holder. The battery holder includes wires with a connector.

    Battery holder with lithium batteries, wires, and connector
    Batteries inserted in the ozone sensor styrofoam box
  6. While the flight box cover is still open, plug in the ozone sensor battery power by connecting the battery cable to the power cable from OIF inside the flight box.
    At this stage, an ozone filter is not needed. The background current has already been measured previously.
  7. From DigiCORA user interface, check that DigiCORA is receiving data.
    Table view
    For more information, see Recording surface ozone.
  8. Disconnect the pump battery until you start recording surface ozone.
    You do not need to switch off the radiosonde unless finalizing the setup is prolonged.