The corrected flow rate ΦP0 in ml/s specifies the flow of gas through the cell and is corrected for the humidification effect of the bubble flow meter during the flow rate measurement. The humidification correction factor CPH is calculated according to equation E-3-4 of GAW Report 268. The calculation uses the lab temperature, humidity, and pressure values you have given as part of the ozone preparation data. Saturation vapor pressure is calculated using Wexler 1976 modified by Hardy for ITS-90. Alternatively, the you can give the CPH value directly.
The pump temperature correction factor CPL is calculated according to equation E-3-7 of GAW Report 268. The calculation uses lab temperature and pump temperature values you have given as part of the ozone preparation data. If the pump temperature value is not given, the software estimates the temperature difference to be 2 K. Alternatively, you can give the CPL value directly.
The corrected flow rate ϕP0 is calculated according to equations E-3-2 and E-3-3 of GAW Report 268. The calculation uses the Measured average flow rate time (t100) you have given as part of the ozone preparation data. Alternatively, you can give the ϕP0 value directly.