Configuring AQT530 for Beam - BWS500

BWS500 Upgrade Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
  • Computer with Windows operating system
  • Service cable kit
  • Flat head screwdriver
  • Terminal block
  • Service cable driver
  • Terminal program with a command line interface (CLI), such as PuTTY or TeraTerm
These instructions and examples use and refer to PuTTY. Another program with a command line interface can also be used, but the user interface looks different.
The AQT530 address is different in Beacon Station and Connected Compact Station than in Beam Weather Station. Change the address before connecting the sensor to Beam.
  1. Disconnect the cable from AQT530.
  2. Download the service cable driver from
  3. Connect your computer to AQT530 with the service cable kit.

    Connect the open-ended cables of the power source to the adapter and attach the adapter to the DC power connector (10–25 V DC).

    Alternatively, connect your own power source directly to the DC power connector.

    Wire color Power
    Red +
  4. In your computer, select Start > PuTTY.
  5. In your computer, select Start > Control Panel > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT).

    In Device Manager, check to which port the sensor is connected with the name ATEN USB to Serial Bridge. For example: ATEN USB to Serial Bridge (COM1).

  6. In PuTTY, configure the serial line connection in Serial or Serial & USB.
    Use the following COM port settings for connecting your computer to AQT530.
    Parameter Value
    Speed (baud) 115200
    Data bits 8
    Stop bits 1
    Parity None
    Flow control None
  7. Open a serial line session to the sensor.
  8. In the terminal window, press ENTER.
  9. Change the AQT530 address to 65.
    $  set rs485_addr=65
    write --really
  10. Check that the address has been changed.
    1. Disconnect the cable from AQT530.
    2. Reconnect the cable, and establish the service connection again.
    3. Check the AQT530 address.
      $ show rs485_addr

      Expected output:

      show: rs485_addr=65
  11. To exit the service connection, close the terminal program.
  12. Disconnect the service cable from AQT530 and your computer.