Configuring wind measurement - WM80

WM80 User Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide

The wind measurement settings affect all data outputs, including NMEA, ASCII, Modbus, and the analog output.

  1. Create a connection to the device with Insight PC software.
  2. Select the settings icon ( ) and Configure device.
  3. Select Wind measurement and configure the following settings.
    Instant calculation period
    Calculation period for instant wind speed and wind direction calculation.
    Statistics calculation period
    Calculation period for statistics wind speed and wind direction calculation.
    Invalidation delay
    Time period during which the device outputs the last valid measurement values.
    Wind direction offset
    Deviation of device alignment from reference direction (0° datum).
    Calm wind threshold
    Wind speed threshold during which the last calculated wind direction output is reported until the wind speed increases above the set threshold.