Heating - WM80

WM80 User Guide

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User guide

The automatically controlled heating keeps WM80 ice-free during its operation and during startup. There are number of solid-state heating elements that provide optimized heat distribution for the different parts of the device, such as the device body, the top with a reflector, as well as the 3 transducers.

To keep the heating power not too high or not too low in all conditions, there is a target temperature the heating control is aiming to maintain. The heating power is controlled by continuously measuring the temperature at several spots of the device and adjusting the power of the distributed heating elements accordingly.

The heating is based on current-controlled solid-state elements. Depending on the voltage of the power supply and the length of the device cable, the current drawn by the heating is controlled automatically according to the needed power. The drawn current is controlled in a linear manner. As an advantage, there are no remarkable peak currents as in an on-off-style thermostat-based heating.

The heating can be enabled and disabled with a user setting. In case of limited current capability of the power supply, the value for the maximum heating current can be changed from the default value. The target temperature value is configurable. Be careful with the settings because the device may not operate optimally if the heating settings are changed from the factory defaults.

For safety reason, in case of a device failure, there is an overheat protection circuit that disables the heating. The overheat protection can be reset by re-connecting the supply voltage.