The following Modbus register addresses are in use.
The register addresses are:
- R = Read only
- RW = Read/write
Address | Name | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x0000 | Wind speed, sample | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Not averaged 10 Hz measurement |
0x0002 | Wind direction, sample | float | deg | 0 | 360 | |
0x0004 | Wind speed, instant | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Moving average of samples. Length defined by register 0x0303. |
0x0006 | Wind direction, instant | float | deg | 0 | 360 | |
0x0008 | Wind speed, average | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Moving average of instant values. Length defined by register 0x0305. |
0x000a | Wind direction, average | float | deg | 0 | 360 | |
0x000c | Wind speed, lull | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Minimum and maximum instant wind speed values over the length of register 0x0305. |
0x000e | Wind speed, gust | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | |
0x0010 | Wind direction, lull | float | deg | 0 | 360 | Direction of the wind speed, lull |
0x0012 | Wind direction, gust | float | deg | 0 | 360 | Direction of the wind speed, gust |
0x0014 | Sonic temperature | float | °C | -45 | 65 | Sonic temperature |
Address | Name | Data type | Description |
0x0201 | Device error code | int32 |
Address | Name | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Default | Description |
0x0303 | Wind instant calculation period | float | s | 0.1 | 10.0 | 3.0 | Time period for calculation of instant values. Rounded to nearest 0.1 s. |
0x0305 | Wind statistics calculation period | float | s | 0.1 | 3600.0 | 600.0 | Time period for calculation of average, gust, and lull values. Rounded to nearest 0.1 s. |
0x0307 | Invalidation delay | float | s | 0.0 | 20.0 | 4.0 | Avoid diagnostics from reacting immediately in case of invalid sample values. |
0x0309 | Wind direction offset | float | deg | -180 | 180 | 0 | Deviation of device alignment from reference direction (0° datum) |
0x030b | Calm wind threshold | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | 0.0 | Wind speed threshold during which the last calculated wind direction output is reported until the wind speed increases above the set threshold |
0x030f | Heating maximum current | float | A | 0.0 | 10.0 | 10.0 | Maximum current the heating is allowed to use. |
0x0311 | Heating temperature setpoint | float | °C | 0 | 55 | 45.0 | Target temperature the heating control aims to maintain. |
0x0500 | Heating enabled | int16 | – | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 = enabled (default) |
Address | Name | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x0600 | Restart device | int16 | – | 0 | 1 | Write 1 to restart |
0x0602 | Bit rate | int16 | bit/s | 0 | 7 |
0x0603 | Parity, data, stop bits | int16 | – | 0 | 11 |
0x0605 | Interface mode | int16 | – | 0 | 1 | Communication mode
0x0606 | Modbus address | int16 | – | 1 | 247 | – |
0x0607 | NMEA Talker ID | text[2] | – |
0x0609 | ASCII/NMEA wind speed unit | int16 | – |
Wind speed unit used in ASCII/NMEA messages
0x060c | ASCII/NMEA autosend format | int16 | – |
0x060d | ASCII/NMEA autosend interval | float | s | 0 | 600 | Message sending interval for the selected autosend format ( register 0x060c) |
Address | Name | R/RW | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x0701 | AOUT1 output parameter | RW | register | – | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | Wind speed value to output
0x0702 | AOUT1 scale low end | RW | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Wind speed value 4.0 mA output represents. |
0x0704 | AOUT1 scale high end | RW | float | m/s | 0 | 100 | Wind speed value 20.0 mA output represents. |
0x0706 | AOUT1 error output | RW | float | mA | 0 | 3.6 | Current indicating device failure |
0x0710 | AOUT1 output level | R | float | mA | 0 | 24 | The actual (calculated) electrical mA level of the output. |
0x0712 | AOUT1 test output level | RW | float | mA | 0 | 24 | Activates analog output test (forced output) when valid finite value is written here. Write NaN to end the test mode and return to normal operation. |
Address | Name | R/RW | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x0741 | AOUT2 output parameter | RW | register | – | 0x0000 | 0xFFFF | Wind direction value to output
0x0746 | AOUT2 error output | RW | float | mA | 0 | 3.6 | Current indicating device failure. |
0x0750 | AOUT2 output level | R | float | mA | 0 | 24 | The actual (calculated) electrical mA level of the output. |
0x0752 | AOUT2 test output level | RW | float | mA | 0 | 24 | Activates analog output test (forced output) when valid finite value is written here. Write NaN to end the test mode and return to normal operation. |
Address | Name | R/RW | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x1e00 | Restore factory default settings | RW | int16 | – | – | – | Restore default factory settings and discard any changes made by user. Start
process by writing 1 . |
Address | Name | Data type | Unit | Min. | Max. | Description |
0x8000 | Uptime | int32 | s | 0 | – | – |
0x8002 | Operating voltage | float | V | 9 | 32 | – |
0x8004 | 3.3V digital voltage | float | V | 2.97 | 3.63 | – |
0x8006 | 3.3 V analog voltage | float | V | 2.97 | 3.63 | – |
0x8008 | Heating voltage | float | V | 0 | 30 | – |
0x800a | Heating current | float | A | 0 | 10 | – |
0x800c | Transducer 1 temperature | float | °C | -45 | 125 | – |
0x800e | Transducer 2 temperature | float | °C | -45 | 125 | – |
0x8010 | Transducer 3 temperature | float | °C | -45 | 125 | – |
0x8012 | Body temperature | float | °C | -45 | 125 | – |
0x8014 | Top temperature | float | °C | -45 | 125 | – |
0x8016 | Overheat error code | int16 | – | – | – |
non-zero = Overheat triggered
Address | Name | Data type | Description |
0x1d00 | Vendor name | text[16] | Vaisala |
0x1d08 | Product code | text[16] | WM80 |
0x1d10 | Product serial number | text[16] | Same as printed on device type label |
0x1d28 | Product configuration code | text[32] | Same as printed on device type label |
0x1d38 | Product manufacturing date | date | Format YYYY-MM-DD |
0x1d3b | Product name | text[32] | Ultrasonic Wind Sensor WM80 |
Address | Name | Data type |
0x7000 | Base module item code | text[16] |
0x7008 | Base module serial number | text[16] |
0x7010 | Base module FW version | text[32] |
0x7020 | Base module HW revision | text[8] |
Address | Name | Data type |
0x7200 | Wind module item code | text[16] |
0x7208 | Wind module serial number | text[16] |
0x7210 | Wind module FW version | text[32] |
0x7220 | Wind module HW version | text[8] |
0x7224 | Top heater module serial number | text[16] |