2. Wiring and powering device - WM80

WM80 Setup Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
  • Tools and accessories for wiring

Operating voltage: 24 V DC, +30 / −25 %

Maximum current (with heating): 11 A

WARNING Make sure that your power supply is in accordance with the installation environment and local regulations.
WARNING Only licensed experts may install electrical components. They must adhere to local and state legislation and regulations.

The device requires an external overcurrent protection device. Protect the device and the cabling with a circuit breaker at operating voltage lines that has the following characteristics. The overcurrent protection device can be a fuse or a circuit breaker.

Overcurrent protection device
Property Description
Current rating 13 A, with type B, C, or D tripping characteristics (according to IEC/EN 60898-1 or UL 1077)
Minimum voltage rating 32 V DC

Circuit breaker

Instead of a circuit breaker you can use a cartridge fuse with class T (slow acting) tripping characteristics.

2-pole (connected on both V+ and V–) or 1-pole (connected on V+)
Isolation scheme

From the electrical interface point of view, WM80 can be considered to have 3 blocks that are isolated from each other:

  • Operating voltage
  • Outputs: serial data port and sourcing-type analog outputs share the same common signal ground that is isolated from the operating voltage and the device housing.
  • Device housing
  1. Route the device cable to your system.

    Connect the wires according to the following instructions.

    The wire colors are applicable to the WM80 device cables provided by Vaisala.
    WM80 wiring
    Position Wire color Signal Description
    1 Brown D+ Serial data +
    2 Black D− Serial data −
    3 Violet WS 4–20 mA output, wind speed
    4 Blue SG

    Signal ground

    Common return path for analog outputs and serial data

    5 Red WD 4–20 mA output, wind direction
    6 Orange Reserved for future use. Do not connect.
    7 Red-white V+ Operating voltage V+
    8 Yellow-white V+ Operating voltage V+
    9 Blue-white V− Operating voltage V−
    10 Black-white V− Operating voltage V−
    n/a Yellow Not connected to device
    n/a Green Not connected to device
    Body Shield CGND Chassis ground (device housing)
  2. Leave the green and yellow wires unconnected. Depending on the output usage, isolate the signal wires that are not used from each other and leave them unconnected.
  3. Switch on power.

Check that data is coming to your system.

To configure the device and for further information about wiring, see WM80 User Guide (M212995EN).