You can subscribe to the following channel to receive measurements from a specific sensor published by the service.
Provide your API key as the user and leave the password empty.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Example |
sensor_id | ✓ | Sensor uniform resource name (URN) | urn:dev:ops:16961-WXT530-S4131016 |
"observedTime": "2023-05-12T14:49:00Z",
"value": 1021.1,
"sourceId": "urn:dev:ops:16961-WXT530-S4131016",
"quality": {
"qualityValue": 8500,
"checkLevel": 1,
"checkedAt": "2023-05-12T14:49:00Z",
"qualityReasons": [
"name": "Level0.Unknown",
"description": "ACCEPTED by the measurement device."
"measurementType": {
"parameter": "AIR_PRESSURE",
"statistics": "MEAN",
"period": "PT1M",
"height": 2,
"dataLevel": "LEVEL_TWO"
Example in Python using API key
# Copyright (c) Vaisala Oyj. All rights reserved.
import asyncio
import websockets
base_uri = "wss://"
endpoint = "/measurement-stream"
api_key = "your-api-key" # Place your api-key here
sensor_id = "123" # Replace with your actual full sensor_id, e.g. urn:dev:ops:16961-WXT530-F1234567, remove if all data is needed
uri = f"{base_uri}{endpoint}?sensor-id={sensor_id}"
async def connect_websocket():
# Define the headers, including the x-api-key header
headers = {
"x-api-key": api_key,
async with websockets.connect(uri, extra_headers=headers) as websocket:
print("WebSocket connection established")
# Receive data once
response = await websocket.recv()
if __name__ == "__main__":