BMU801 LED modes during user actions - BMU801

BMU801 Quick Guide

Document code
Document type
User guide
BMU801 LED modes during user actions
Action LED color/Behavior Description
To switch on BMU801, long press (approx. 5 seconds) the Power/Test button.

The last known battery status, or, if the battery status check is not yet completed, the checking status.

Device status green, steady, and then blank after a short timeout. When the LED turns blank you can release the button, after which the LED displays the current status.


To switch off BMU801, long press (approx. 3 seconds) the Power/Test button.

If you release the button before the long press time, BMU801 continues operation.

Battery status blank

Device status green blinking, then blank


Power is off.

You are first warned of the shutdown with a blinking status LED, after which the LED turns blank.

To check the battery status, short press (< 1 second) the Power/Test button. The LEDs react right after the button is released.

First the LEDs display a battery scanning animation in yellow. Then the LEDs display the battery status indication for 5 seconds and return to previous state after that.

Battery status green, steady, 0 to 2 LEDs blank

SoC = 100 %

SoC = 70–100 %

SoC = 40–70 %

Battery status yellow, steady or blinking, 2 LEDs blank

SoC = 10–40 %

SoC = 0–10 %

Battery status red, steady or blinking, 0 or 2 LEDs blank

SoC = 0 %. Battery disconnected. 1

Battery faulty or disconnected. 1

Battery overheated. Charging is stopped.

When SoC is < 10 %, the system will shut down soon.

To reset the battery/batteries, press, hold, and release the battery Reset button.

Battery status changes as follows:

  1. Scanning animation, during which each of the 3 battery LEDs blinks in green one by one.
  2. Current SoC.
  3. Blank, all 3 LEDs.

Note: Slowly blinking yellow LEDs indicate that the DC/solar voltage is insufficient for performing battery status check.

Device status is green, steady, until the battery status checking has completed.

After that, displays the current device status.

Note: Steady yellow indicates that the DC voltage (not solar voltage) is insufficient for performing battery status check.

After checking the first battery, the animation continues on the other battery status LED. Once both batteries have been checked, their statuses are displayed for 5 seconds. After that, the LEDs start to behave normally.

If DC power is unavailable, the animation is not displayed, unless the Power/Test button is pressed.

Note: The animation is only displayed if BMU801 is power-cycled or the battery Reset button is pressed. During operation, periodical status checking is not indicated with LEDs.

1 If there are 2 batteries, the system can operate with one battery even if the other one is disconnected.