Backup batteries - VDL200

VDL200 User Guide

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User guide

VDL200 uses 4 AA size primary (non-rechargeable) batteries with 1.5 V nominal voltage as its backup batteries. Battery power is used whenever Power over Ethernet (PoE) is not available and the device is not temporarily powered through the service port. The real-time clock of the VDL200 also relies on the batteries to retain accurate time when the device is turned off. There is a capacitor that powers the clock circuit for up to 30 minutes when the batteries are disconnected.

Compatible battery types

  • 1.5 V alkaline batteries, designation IEC-LR6, ANSI 15A. Standard choice for most humidity and temperature measurement applications.

  • 1.5 V lithium batteries, designation IEC-FR14505 (FR6), ANSI 15-LF. Typically higher capacity and better in cold temperatures. Must be used when the temperature of the data logger's installation location is below 0 °C (+32 °F). Lithium batteries are also required when CO2 measurement is used due to the higher power consumption.

Do not use batteries with a nominal voltage higher than 1.5 V.
Use of rechargeable batteries is not recommended. VDL200 will not charge the batteries, and they are typically unsuitable due to different nominal voltage, capacity, and/or discharge curve.

Battery type setting

VDL200 has a configurable battery type setting that optimizes the operation of the battery charge indicator. This setting should be set according to the battery type (alkaline or lithium) when the device is taken into use, and changed if the battery type is changed.