Configure Modbus device connections - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide
Refer to your Modbus device documentation to collect required register configuration details.

Manage Devices

Before completing this configuration task, make sure the Modbus device is connected to your network and, if installing third-party/non-Vaisala Modbus devices, make sure the Modbus license key has been added. If you are adding a Modbus RTU device, make sure you have the COM port number assigned (Go to Windows Start menu to open Device Manager > Ports > Communications Port). If you are adding a Modbus TCP device, refer to the device manual to determine Port number and IP address.
If you are using a Digi device connection, install the Digi device drivers on the host server.
  1. In Sites Manager select the Hosts and Devices tab.
  2. In the Hosts and Devices tree select a viewLinc Device Host server, then select Configure > Add Device > > Vaisala Modbus Device or, if licensed, Non-Vaisala Modbus Device
  3. If you are adding a Vaisala Modbus device or have added a similar non-Vaisala Modbus device and saved the device configuration details as a template, select Template... and select the template you want to use.
  4. In the Add Modbus Device window type a device Description (do not use < or >), Model (do not use dashes, --), then add a unique Serial number (alpha numeric only).
  5. To modify calibration details or to set up calibration reminder notifications, select Edit calibration data...:
    Calibration date:
    The original calibration date for the measurement probe, set by the factory and cannot be modified.
    Calibrated by:
    The name of the person or company who performed the calibration service.
    Next calibration date:
    Type a new date to automatically have viewLinc generate a calibration notification to remind you when calibration service is needed.
  6. Add communication settings:
    Modbus TCP: Type the Modbus device IP address, port number (default 502), and unit ID. This must be a unique combination.
    Modbus RTU Serial: Type the COM port number the Modbus device is connected to, the device's Slave ID, the serial bit rate (default 9600), parity and stop bits, as specified in the Modbus device documentation.
  7. Add viewLinc channel details:
    Measurement type / Unit:
    Choose from the available viewLinc measurement type and unit options.
  8. Add Modbus register details:
    Choose a format option based on the register number or address (defined in the Modbus device documentation).
    Register type
    • Coil or Discrete input: Type the number or a decimal address.
    • Input register or Holding register: Type the decimal address and then choose byte format.
    Number or Address:
    Depending on the format selected, add the required number or address in decimal or hexadecimal format.
    After details are saved, when you select a different option in the Format field, the entered details automatically convert to the selected format.
  9. Define scaling parameters (optional). You can use the Scale field to add a multiplier value, and the Offset field to add a positive or negative number, to calculate a recognized or expected Current value. Some integer registers need a scaling adjustment to make sure the value read from the register corresponds with the actual value it is communicating. For example, if a register stores a value of 2406, it requires a scaling factor of 100:1 to display as an actual temperature of 24.06 ÂșC.
  10. Click the test icon, to test the connection. If an expected value appears in the row, the configuration is complete. If the value is not displayed, is incorrect, or the warning icon remains in view, , review and adjust the configuration and/or scaling settings entered for the device. Re-test as required.
    Modbus documentation may indicate a specific order that data will be sent; however, viewLinc may expect receive it in another syntax. If the combination of register format and address selection is not correct, the device value will be significantly different than expected. You may need to enter register details in a variety of formats and test until the correct device value displays.
  11. Save the channel detail row and start a new row for an additional device channel. To delete an extra row, click 'X'.
  12. When you are finished entering details and the Add device button is enabled, select Save or Save as template... to save the details as a reusable template.