Swapping devices - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage Devices

The swap device function allows you to exchange a device that is currently linked to a Location, while retaining the threshold and device alarm settings which are currently applied to the Location. A swap may be required for maintenance purposes, such as calibration of the device or probe, an update of the data logger firmware, or to change to a wireless device.

When a device is swapped, the change is noted on the Location History report (the report shows the device serial number for a reporting period). If, during the reporting period, the device was swapped, this event is listed in the report summary.

Any device linked to a Location can be swapped without interruption to threshold monitoring or causing a device alarm.

Only a device with the same settings may be swapped (for example, a device with 3 channels cannot be swapped for a device with 2 channels, and the channels must record the same type of data).
  1. Make sure the replacement device is:
    • connected to your network
    • on the same host as the device to be swapped
    • has the same sample rate
    • has the same channel indexes and measurement types
  2. In Sites Manager select the Hosts and Devices tab.
  3. On the Hosts and Devices tree, select the device to be swapped.
  4. Select Configure > Swap This Device With.
    Only compatible and available replacement devices are displayed.
  5. In the Swap Device window, select the replacement device.
    Show device currently connected to port
    If you are swapping a DL logger and the new device is already connected, enable this option to help locate a specific device.
    Link start time
    Select Start now to associate all channel data starting from this point forward with the linked Location.
    Start from last channel sample recorded at Location
    This option automatically starts from the most recently linked time. This option prevents data duplication and invalid alarms.
    To ensure gap-free data, if the data logger was offline while still connected to viewLinc , viewLinc will not try to restore the data history during the offline period.
  6. Select OK.