Generating Quick Reports - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

A quick report is a report made available to others to generate easily from the Sites or Overview windows. The structure of the report adheres to the structure defined by the report owner, but the content of the report (data) is limited to the Zones and Locations the user is permitted to view.

If you have Manage Reports right, you can make a report available to others as a quick report.

When a user generates a quick report, the content is generated according to the user's logged in language, even if it is different from their language preference.
  1. In the Sites window or Overview window, select one or more Locations or Zones.
  2. Select Options > Quick Reports, choose a report type (Alarm, Location History, or System), then select an available quick report.
  3. To create a .pdf output of the report, select Generate Report (*.pdf).
  4. To create a report you can manipulate in a spreadsheet, select Generate for Excel (*.tsv).
  5. To send the report to another user, select Generate and Email Report:
    1. Choose the report format.
    2. Type the email address of the recipient, and any additional viewLinc users or groups to whom you want the report sent.
    3. Optional: Modify the Subject and Body fields for the email message.
    4. Select Send.
  6. To find out when the report is ready to download and print, open Reports > Downloads.