Viewing report downloads - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Each time a report is generated the Downloads tab updates to show when the report is available to download and print.

  1. In the Reports window, select the Downloads tab.
  2. To check the report status, locate your report in the list:
    Generated By
    Identifies the person who initiated the report generation (username), or if it was automatically generated (System).
    Generated As
    Indicates whether the report owner generated the report (report includes all source data), or, if another user generated it as a quick report (report only includes data for the Locations user has permission to view).
    When report content was generated, seen as the user's local time.
    Available For
    Indicates remaining time the generated report will be available to download and print. Manually generated and scheduled reports remain available for 24 hours.
    To save a report permanently, download and save it before available download time runs out, or edit the report properties to Autogenerate and save (requires Manage Reports right).
    The server time zone. If a report you want to see is generated by a server in a different timezone, select your time zone to see reporting details in local time.
    Indicates when the report is available to download, queue status, or report generation errors.
    Indicates whether a scheduled report was saved to a network location or sent to a recipient.
    If the report is taking too long to generate, you can click Cancel to remove the report from the queue. If a scheduled report is canceled, viewLinc notifies recipients via email.
  3. To download and/or print a generated report, in the Progress column select the report link and open your downloads folder (or follow the prompt to open or save the file).