Generating reports - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

All available reports are listed in the Reports window. The reports available are either default viewLinc reports, reports you have created, or reports that others have shared with you.

Reports are templates, waiting to be populated with generated data. Once a report is generated, open the Downloads tab to find out when the report is ready to print (a generated .pdf file) or export to a spreadsheet (a generated .tsv file).

You can also automatically generate and send a report to an email recipient (.pdf) on a regular schedule. Any sent report can also be downloaded from the Downloads tab.

Generated report content is limited to the Zones and/or Locations you have permission to view. If you require additional Location information in a report, request view permission for the Zone/Location, or ask to receive reports by email.
  1. In Reports select a report, then select   Generate.
  2. Choose a report option:
    PDF (.pdf)
    Choose this option to generate the report according to PDF settings specified in the Scheduled Generation parameters. This option is available for Alarm and Location History reports.
    Excel (.tsv)
    Generate the report in .tsv format.
    Generate and send report to predetermined list of users or groups, as a .pdf attachment (system reports are only .xls attachments). Once generated, the report is sent according to the report's scheduled generation parameters.

    Automatically generated and emailed report content is generated according to the recipient's language preference.

    • If no language preference is specified for the recipient, the content is generated in the language specified for the report (language can be specified for reports that are automatically generated and saved).
    • If no language is specified for the recipient or the report, the content is generated in the system default language (System Preferences).
  3. On the Downloads tab, the most recently generated report appears at the top of the list. Once report generation is complete, open or save the report by clicking the link in the Progress column.

Manually generated and scheduled reports are available to download for 24 hours, to ensure that any reports auto-generated during off-peak hours remain available in regular work hours.