Install access points - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Set up your VaiNet access points so that:

  • They are able to connect to the Ethernet network
  • They have the IP address or hostname of at least one NTP server they can access
  • Their VaiNet channel number is set
  • They have the IP address or hostname of viewLinc Enterprise Server
  • They are in installation mode so that they can connect new VaiNet data loggers to the system

If you have new WLAN access points, configure their network and wireless settings.

If your installation has more than 8 access points, assign a unique segment ID and channel ID combination for each access point. For guidance in designing and installing a large system, see Guidelines for large VaiNet systems Technical Note.

When your wireless access points are set up, install them at their planned locations.