Adding permissions - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage Sites

  1. In Sites Manager navigate the Zones and Locations tree to select a Zone or sub-zone.
  2. To check currently applied permissions, select the Permissions tab and open the Permissions Viewer.
  3. Select Manage > Edit Permissions.
    To see which users are included in a group, select Properties.
  4. Add permissions in the Edit Permissions window:
    • To apply the same group permissions for the selected Zone to all sub-zones and Locations, select the group then select Inherit from.
    • To change the group permission level, de-select Inherit from then choose a permission level in the Permissions columns.
    • To ensure a group has a permission level passed on to all current and future sub-zones and Locations in the selected Zone, ensure the Inheritable option is selected.
  5. Select Save.