Setting threshold alarm schedules - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage Sites

Apply a schedule to a Zone or a Location to define when threshold excursions should trigger an alarm notification. Schedules are created in the Alarm Templates window.

Before applying a schedule to a Location, make sure you have enabled the scheduling function in System Preferences and created a schedule in Alarm Templates.
Configure Alarms permission is required to the selected Locations or Zones.
  1. In Sites Manager in the Zones and Locations tree, select a Location.
  2. Select Manage > Set Threshold Alarm Schedule.
  3. In the Set Threshold Alarm Schedule window, select According to schedule and select a schedule from the dropdown list.
    CAUTION viewLinc does not monitor threshold limits outside scheduled times (no threshold alarms are activated and notifications are not sent). Choose Always to ensure alarm monitoring continues 24x7.
  4. Select Save.