After all primary viewLinc configuration tasks are complete, you can take advantage of more viewLinc features:
- Add group permissions to Zones and Locations. Permissions are used to control the groups which can view, configure or manage different viewLinc Zones and associated Locations.
- Create schedules to define active periods for alarming and notifications. Schedules can ensure users who are not on shift do not receive notifications, or prevent unnecessary alarming during maintenance periods.
- Build views to help users more easily identify Locations of importance. For larger installations, views can help organize different categories of Locations.
- Connect a signal tower for wide-area visual and/or audible alarming.
- Set up a remote display to broadcast live conditions on a large monitor in a warehouse.
- Set up a Twilio account and configure viewLinc to support web-enabled voice and/or SMS message services.
- Configure viewLinc to connect with Vaisala OPC UA Server.