Vaisala viewLinc 5.2.1 provides you and your team with new integrated feature functionality to expand your network monitoring and reporting capabilities.
Feature | Description |
VDL200 support | viewLinc ES now supports the use of VDL200 data loggers. This change will make your viewLinc deployment easier to set up and use, more reliable, and more economical. VDL200s have a display, allowing users to read directly off the device. They don't require an intermediary communication device to connect to viewLinc; all you need to do is plug it into the Ethernet. As well, VDL200s have removable probes, allowing you to keep the device in your environment instead of having to send it for calibration. |
Backup/restore tool | Your viewLinc ES installation now includes the BackupManager tool in the download package. Prior to viewLinc version 5.2.1, you had to request this tool from Support. As part of your disaster recovery strategy, use this tool to take snapshot delta backups of viewLinc data and to restore that backup if a data-loss event occurs. |
Feature | Description |
Trend-line gaps |
If you reduce the sample rate, older samples (that is, data stored prior to version 5.2) will appear to have gaps in the trend line |
False-alarm improvements for problematic channel types | For DL series loggers, data sample inconsistency alarms only occur with temperature and humidity probes. To reduce the number of false alarms, the system no longer detects prolonged differentiating real-time and historical readings for DC Voltage, MilliAmp, and Thermocouple channel types. |
Feature | Description |
Active Directory | You can simplify user authentication in viewLinc by using Microsoft Azure Active Directory to manage identity and access management for your organization. |
Korean language support | The user interface language can be set to Korean. The Tours tutorial content is also available in Korean. |
OAuth 2.0 | viewLinc now supports using OAuth 2.0 authorization framework to help you enable email authentication for your users. |
To increase the number of monitored devices on your system, an additional viewLinc license may be required. To see the remaining available device room see Help > About. |
Feature | Description |
New historical data alarm types |
These new alarm types replace the Missing historical data alarm. |
New provisional threshold alarm |
In rare cases in which the system is receiving real-time data but has delayed historical data that indicates a potential alarm condition, the system generates a provisional alarm. This alarm only occurs for RFL100 loggers and if a threshold alarm delay is set. After the system receives the missing data, the provisional alarm
will either:
Provisional alarms are intended as proactive warnings to viewLinc users. Instead of waiting for confirmation of an alarm condition, which could be delayed by a communication problem, users can take action to immediately to check their physical setup for issues. |
False-alarm improvements for problematic channel types | For DL series loggers, the missing data alarm only occurs with temperature and humidity probes. To reduce the number of false alarms, the system no longer detects prolonged differentiating real-time and historical readings for DC Voltage, MilliAmp, and Thermocouple channel types. |
Communication security enhancements |
Secure host checking | viewLinc performs a secure host check for all new installations and upgrades. For
new users, this means the install wizard will prompt you to provide a list of all the
URLs and aliases that your users will access the viewLinc server from. For upgrade
users, the upgrade wizard will list the allowed URLs and aliases in your existing
certificate file and ask you to confirm the list. In both cases, users will only be able to connect to the viewLinc web server using the names provided in the certificate, even if they were able to connect in earlier versions of viewLinc. |
Removed support for point-of-sale (POS) devices | viewLinc no longer supports use of POS devices as display terminals. Use a computing device such as a laptop, or a web browser on a mobile device to administer or monitor viewLinc. |