Exporting current alarm data - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

In the Alarms, Sites or Overview window, you can export the current alarm data to a spreadsheet (.tsv). In the spreadsheet format, you can modify how you want the information to display, to meet your company's reporting requirements.

  1. To export active data in the Alarms window, select   Export to Excel.

    A list of all active alarms export to a .tsv format file in a spreadsheet program (default spreadsheet software is set on user PC).

  2. To export active data in the Sites window:
    1. On the Zones and Locations tree, select one or more Locations or Zones with currently active alarm conditions.
    2. On the Location Alarms tab select   Export to Excel. A list of all active alarms export to a .tsv format file in a spreadsheet program.
  3. To export active data in the Overview window:
    1. On the Views tree, select one or more views containing Locations with currently active alarm conditions.
    2. On the Location Alarms tab select   Export to Excel. A list of all active alarms export to a .tsv format file in a spreadsheet program.
  4. The file download (.tsv) appears in the status bar at the bottom of the display window. Double-click the file icon to open the activealarms.tsv file in the spreadsheet program of your choice.
  5. At the prompt, select Save (the file is saved to your default downloads folder) or Open.

    If Windows does not recognize the file format, select Excel from your Programs folder to view the file and make changes.