Responding to alarms - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

The alarms icon on the viewLinc header bar indicates the number of active alarms,  . To view all active alarms, click the icon to open the Alarms window.

If you are set up to receive audible alarms on your desktop, click the active alarm sound icon to turn off,  .

You may receive an alarm notification in a variety of ways, depending on how the system administrator has configured your system:

  • Email/SMS/Voice: Receive notifications when an alarm condition is present, once or repeatedly, according to the alarm notification template assigned to a Location or a device.
  • Command: An application may activate an external device or emit an audible alarm. For example, when an alarm condition occurs a command could activate a light or buzzer, or a have a computer page or phone a particular number.
  • Signal tower: Your system may include a signal tower to indicate an alarm condition across a wide area with light or sound.