Creating system reports - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage Reports

System reports provide an overall snapshot of select system information.

  1. In Reports, select Add > System Report.
    To reuse settings from an existing alarm report, select the report, then select Add > Copy Selected Report.
  2. Complete the General tab:
    Type a unique name for the new report.
    Report owner
    Your viewLinc username appears automatically as the report owner. If you have Manage Reports right, you can select a different or additional user as owner of this report.
    Time zone
    Change this value if the reporting time zone is not the same as the server time zone.
    PDF font
    If you want to generate a report that uses Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters, select the language. Otherwise, leave as No Asian Characters to reduce the generated file size.
    Available as quick report
    Allow users to generate this report from the Sites and Overview windows. Quick reports generate data for the user's selected Location(s) or view(s).
  3. Complete the Automatic Generation section:
    For large report data sets, we recommend that you schedule report generation for a time when few users are using the system, such as after business hours.
    Generate and email
    Generate and then send the report directly to specific viewLinc users and groups.
    Generate and save
    Generate and then save the report to a specific file location.
    Save To
    Specify an accessible network server or restricted file location where you want the report saved.
    Saved reports are automatically generated in the system default language unless a report language is specified.
    Start generating
    Set the data generation start date and time.
    Generate report every
    Set the start date and time you want the report generated.
  4. On the Content tab, identify the data you want included in the report:
    Include viewLinc Enterprise Server configuration details.
    System Preferences
    Include the currently selected viewLinc system preferences.
    Alarm templates
    Include details for selected templates (active and deactivated).
    Users and groups
    Include all users and/or groups, and their assigned permissions to Locations. The report shows the highest available permission for each Location, listed alphabetically by user or group.
    Include Location details about current threshold and device alarm templates, and permission levels granted to users/groups for each Location (active and deactivated).
    The report lists highest available permission for the user or group, listed alphabetically by Location.
    Include a list of all linked system hosts, data loggers and transmitters (active and deactivated).
  5. Save the new report.