Installing viewLinc - Upgrade an existing server - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

To ensure a successful upgrade of your viewLinc software on an existing server, make sure your system meets the viewLinc system requirements, and review the new features and functional changes introduced in viewLinc.

Before you start the viewLinc software upgrade, export a copy of your event log. After upgrade, export the event log again to become familiar with messaging improvements.
  1. Ensure you have completed the Setup Checklist and have recorded the license key that is included with the viewLinc USB drive.
  2. Verify that the current installation of viewLinc is version 4.3.6 or higher. If you are on a lower version, you must first upgrade to 4.3.6.
  3. Back up your current application data directory .
    • viewLinc 3.6x default directory: ...\Program files\Veriteq Instruments\viewLinc\
    • viewLinc 4.x default directory: ...\Public Documents\Vaisala\Vaisala Veriteq viewLinc\ (exclude the \debug folder and any files named log\watchdog*.*
    • viewLinc 5.x default directory: ...C:\Program Files\Vaisala\Vaisala viewLinc\... (exclude the \debug folder and any files named log\watchdog*.*
  4. If your backup application does not support open database backup, stop viewLinc Watchdog and viewLinc Enterprise Server services:
    1. On your Windows server, select > Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services (this path may vary depending on your Windows version and settings).
    2. Right-click on the service (viewLinc Enterprise Server, viewLinc Watchdog), then select Stop.
  5. On the existing viewLinc server, open the viewLinc.cfg file (found in the \config subfolder) and set the level entry to debug (in the [logging] section), level = debug.
    CAUTION Modifying the .cfg file should only be performed by qualified system administrators.
  6. On the existing viewLinc server, insert the viewLinc USB drive and run viewLincInstall.exe, if it does not run automatically.
  7. Select the installation language. This language setting is used in the wizard and is used as the viewLinc browser, report and notification default language. The default language can be changed after installation is complete.
  8. Accept the Vaisala and BerkleyDB license agreements.
  9. Enter the viewLinc license key.
  10. Select your security certificate and key files. You can choose to keep the currently installed certificate and key files, upload new certificate and key files, or automatically generate viewLinc-signed certificate and key files. To learn more about security and certificate files, see Security certificate management tips.
    Users will only be able to connect to the viewLinc webserver using the URLs or aliases provided in the certificate, so ensure that the list is complete.
  11. Review the install settings and click Install.
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Wait 20 minutes to an hour for viewLinc to upgrade the database. viewLinc will not be available during this time. There will be a gap in the Events log reflecting the duration of the upgrade.
  14. If your network includes viewLinc Device Hosts, run the install wizard to install viewLinc Device Host software on each device host server.
  15. On the viewLinc Enterprise Server, double-click the desktop icon to start viewLinc in a supported browser. It may take a few minutes to start. If a security warning appears, click OK to proceed. For more information about certificates see Security requirements.
  16. Log in with your administrator credentials, such as admin/admin.
  17. Open Sites Manager to verify your Location data is available.
  18. In System Preferences on the General tab, set System log to Basic.
There will be a gap in the events log reflecting the duration of the upgrade.