Setting the system language - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage System

The system language setting is used for reports and notifications. By default it is the language selected during viewLinc Enterprise Server installation. If your company operates in countries where other languages are spoken, you may want to provide users the option to receive notifications and reports, and display the viewLinc desktop, in their native language.

Enable support for additional languages on the System Preferences > Languages tab, and then set the user language preference on each user's profile.

Important notes about system language setting and user language preference:

  • Quick reports: When a user generates a Quick Report, the content is generated according to the user's logged-in language, even if it is different from their language preference.
  • Scheduled reports: Sent to recipients according to their language preference.
    • If no user language preference is specified, report content is generated in the report language.
    • If no user language preference or report language is specified, the content is generated according to the default system language.
  • User-generated reports: Report content is generated in the system language.

Languages supported:

  • Chinese (Simplified - ZH)
  • English (EN)
  • Finnish (FI)
  • French (FR)
  • German (DE)
  • Italian (IT)
  • Japanese (JA)
  • Korean (KO)
  • Portuguese (Brazilian - PT)
  • Spanish (International - ES)
  • Swedish (SV)
  1. In System Preferences select the General tab.
  2. In the System language row, select the system language.
  3. Select Save.