Modifying general system settings - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide
The General tab of the System Preferences also includes the Add License option. By adding new license keys, you can increase the number of supported devices or add new licensed features. For more information on adding license keys, see Entering a new license key.

Manage System

  1. Set default units and values. These values are used wherever units display (trend graphs, reports). These values can be modified for specific Locations.
    Default temperature units
    By default, all devices monitoring temperature display in Celsius.
    To learn more, see Setting temperature measurement units
    Default value for MKT activation energy
    Set the MKT value according to your GxP requirements.
    To learn more, see Setting Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) activation energy value.
  2. Specify device options:
    Device description
    Choose to display the device alias (a longer description) in viewLinc.
    To learn more, see Setting device or channel alias preferences.
    Channel description
    Choose to display the channel alias (a longer description) in viewLinc.
    To learn more, see Setting device or channel alias preferences.
    Default calibration duration
    Set default data logger and probe calibration cycle length in months.
    To learn more, see Setting system-wide default calibration duration.
    Automatically lock DL data loggers
    Enable auto-locking to ensure all newly connected DL data loggers can only be modified by viewLinc.
    To learn more, see Locking or unlocking DL data loggers.
    DL data logger timebase synchronization
    When the logger timebase synchronization feature is enabled, the time clock in a logger is continuously compared with the viewLinc clock and adjusted, if required.
    To learn more, see Enabling or disabling timebase synchronization.
    viewLinc Aware functionality
    Enable viewLinc Aware to ensure faster setup for vNet devices.
    To learn more, see Enabling or disabling viewLinc Aware.
  3. In System Preferences on the General tab, set General options:
    System language
    Set the default system language for reports and notifications. You can also enable additional languages to allow users to set preferred language output for reports, notifications and their viewLinc desktop display.
    To learn more, see Setting the system language.
    Email alarm acknowledgement, SMS alarm acknowledgement, Voice alarm acknowledgement
    Allow users to acknowledge alarms by responding to notifications sent via email, SMS, or voice call.
    To learn more, see Allowing remote acknowledgement.
    Enable this option to control when users receive notifications, and when Location alarming should be active. After enabling this option, create schedules.
    To learn more, see Creating schedules.
    Audible alarm notification
    Enable audible alarm notification in a browser, then set up each user's account profile to receive audible alarming.
    To learn more, see Enabling or disabling audible alarms.
    Audible alarm sound
    Choose the sound for audible browser alarms. Select the to start/stop a sound test.
    Provisional threshold alarms
    By default, the system has provisional threshold alarms enabled.
  4. Set security options:
    Comments on changes
    Indicate whether comments are required when users acknowledge alarms or modify the system.
    To learn more, see Adding predefined comments.
    Confirm identity on changes
    Require user authentication when making system changes.
    To learn more, see Setting authentication requirements.
    Maximum failed login attempts
    Set the number of times a user can enter incorrect login information before the user account is locked. For administrator instructions on locking and unlocking users, see Locking and unlocking user accounts.

    Account locking by viewLinc due to too many login attempts only applies to users using viewLinc authentication, not users that use Windows authentication.

    Maximum password age
    Set the maximum time a login password can be used before the user must change the password.
    Minimum time for password reuse
    Set the minimum time before a password that has been used earlier can be set as the login password again.
  5. Adjust technical support log settings (optional).
    System log
    Record different amounts of system activity.
    Device driver log
    Record different amounts of device activity.
    Log maximum age
    Specify how long to store technical support files. Once the limit is reached, old log files are deleted.
    To learn more, see Changing technical support log settings.
    It is recommended that you change support log settings only when directed by Vaisala Technical Support.
  6. Save your changes.