viewLinc Enterprise Server planning worksheet - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Taking the time to evaluate and define your company's monitoring needs will provide you and your team with a more secure and easy to maintain monitoring system. Review this worksheet to make sure you have the information required to configure viewLinc, then complete the viewLinc Enterprise Server setup steps.

Zones and Locations (Sites Manager)
Define a naming convention for each area being monitored with one device channel. (1 device channel = 1 Location)
Create Zones to organize areas with many Locations (optional).
Groups and Users
Name your groups, and identify the rights to be assigned to each group.
Group name/rights:
Group name/rights:
List your users and the group(s) to which they will be assigned.
Users in the default Administrators group (all rights):
Users in the default Everyone group (Manage Events right):
Users in __________________ group:
Users in __________________ group:
(Optional) For Vaisala OPC UA Server, name of dedicated user and a dedicated group:
Threshold Alarm Settings (Alarm Templates)
Record the threshold settings needed for each Location. (High-High, High, Low, Low-Low, Rate of Change, Alarm Off Margin).
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
Alarm Notification Settings (Alarm Templates)
Identify the users or groups to be notified in the event of a threshold alarm, when the notification should be issued, how it will be delivered (email, SMS, command, or voice call).
1st notice sent via:
2nd notice sent via:
(Optional) Voice call tree:
  1. Username: _________________________________________________________________
  2. Username: _________________________________________________________________
  3. Username: _________________________________________________________________
  4. Username: _________________________________________________________________
General Settings (System Preferences)
Select remote alarm acknowledgment method(s): email, SMS (web service or modem), and/or voice call acknowledgments. Requires set up of settings for enabled acknowledgement method(s).
Enable and then create schedules if Location monitoring/alarm acknowledgement is required for certain time periods, or if different groups will receive different alarm notifications.
Enable audible alarming for browsers. User profiles must be set to allow audible alarms when they are logged in.
Define display of temperature units and value for MKT.
Determine whether to use device and channel descriptions in viewLinc , or create longer descriptions (aliases) in viewLinc.
Select the default calibration duration (default 12 months). Reminder notifications are sent based on this value.
Determine DL data logger lock settings (automatic or disabled) to add another layer of security.
Enable and then create pre-configured comments for your users to add when responding to alarm conditions.
If you are using vNets, save connection time with viewLinc Aware functionality.
For multilingual companies, determine the language to use for system notifications.
Email Settings (System Preferences)
Required: Your IT network manager's email address to receive all system alarm email notifications.
An available email address that will be used to send viewLinc notifications.
SMTP server address, port number, account username, and password.
POP3 server address, port number, account username, and password (optional).
(Optional) SMS Settings (System Preferences)
Select method of SMS delivery, via modem or with a web service (Twilio).
If using an SMS Modem:
  • Configure modem to network
  • Specify modem settings: port/baud rate/SIM card PIN number (if required)
If using an SMS web service:
  • Set up Twilio account
  • Specify account settings: account SID, authentication token, phone number, and viewLinc URL
(Optional) Voice Settings (System Preferences)
Set up Twilio account (
Specify web service account settings (received from Twilio):
  • account SID
  • authentication token
  • phone number
  • viewLinc URL
System Alarms (System Preferences)
Mobile number and email address for your designated IT network manager.
Additional information for system-generated validation alarms: priority, delay, message, comments.