Shutting down and starting up viewLinc services manually - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide
If you need to shut down or start up viewLinc services manually, use the viewLinc Start Services or viewLinc Stop Services tool. These tools ensure that the services are shut down or restarted in the correct order .
  1. To stop viewLinc services, select the Start button and scroll down to Vaisala > viewLinc – Stop Services.
    The tool shuts down, in order: the Watchdog, Web Server, Enterprise Server, DB Service, and then any remaining services.
  2. To start viewLinc services, select the Start button and scroll down to Vaisala > viewLinc – Start Services.
    The tool starts up, in order: the DB Service, Enterprise Server, Web Server, and then any remaining services.