Icons - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide
Home Screen Icons
Icon Description
Amount of time that has passed since receiving the last data transmission from any device. When view is regularly updating, icon is green. When view has not been able to update, icon is red.
Number of alarms currently active, on Locations user is permitted to view. Click to open the Alarms window and acknowledge alarms.
An audible alarm is active. Click to cancel the sound and open the Alarms window.
Open online Help or watch a tour.
Log out or open the Users and Groups window to edit your personal details. Requires Manage System right.
Time zones in viewLinc are expressed in terms of an offset from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). UTC is the time standard used to synchronize the clocks of computers over the internet.
Window Icons
Icon Description
Refresh - View the most current system modifications or data updates.
Find in Tree - Highlight the selected Location in the Zones and Locations navigation tree.
Quick Reports - Generate an Alarm-, Location History-, or System report for the selected Zone or Location.
Measurement type: Temperature
Measurement type: Humidity
Measurement type: Other
Measurement type: Boolean
An unlinked channel or Location displays in gray, italicized text.
A deactivated Location displays in red, strike-out text.
Vaisala device icon: RFL100-series data logger
Vaisala device icon: DL data logger
Vaisala device icon: HMT140-series data logger
Vaisala or third-party Modbus device
Host icon: Access point
Host icon: Device Host server
viewLinc Enterprise Server (ES)
Alarming paused
Calibration alarm
Communication alarm
Configuration alarm
Validation alarm