Adding groups - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage System

Assigning users to groups helps define which areas of viewLinc you want specific users to access.

  1. In the Users and Groups window, select the Groups tab, then select Add.
  2. In the Add Group window on the Properties tab, type a name for the group. You can use the Description field to describe the rights you will assign to the group, or the primary job function of the group.
  3. Select the Rights tab, then select the rights you want to assign to the group
    If you are creating a group for use with Vaisala OPC UA Server, no rights are required. The group does require View permission to access data in Zones and/or Locations.
  4. To add users to this group, select the Members tab then select users to add the group.
  5. Select Save.