Adding users - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage System

Before you add users to your system, determine which rights the user will need. Users are given rights through the group or groups to which they are assigned.

Only members of the Administrators group can add new users to the Administrators group.
  1. In the Users and Groups window select the Users tab.
  2. To avoid adding a duplicate user account, check that the user does not already exist
    1. In the Search field, type the username or full name, then select the search icon  .
    2. Select the   to clear the field and display the full list of users.
  3. Select Add.
  4. On the Properties tab, add user details:
    User name and Full name
    Type a username to use on the login page, and a full name, for internal reference (your company may use abbreviated names for login credentials). If this user will log in with Windows authentication, type their Windows username then select Windows as the Authentication method.
    Email, Mobile number
    Add the user's contact details to receive reports and alarm notifications, and send alarm acknowledgements. Type a mobile number which includes the '+' sign, the country code and area code. For example, +44 604 273 6850 (dashes, spaces or periods can be included, but are not required).
  5. If schedules functionality is enabled, choose a schedule from the Send alarm notifications field to define when to send alarm notifications to this user:
    This user will receive notifications at any time of day or night.
    According to schedule
    If this user is a member of a group set up to receive alarm notifications, select the schedule which defines when this user should receive notifications.
    This user will not receive alarm notifications, even if they are assigned to a group set up to receive alarm notifications.
  6. Specify notification details:
    viewLinc PIN

    Enter a unique 4 to 5 digit number between 1000 and 99999. This number is required when the user acknowledges an email or SMS alarm notification on their mobile device.

    Preferred language
    Choose the language to use when user generates a report or viewLinc sends this user reports and alarm notifications. If no language selected, the system default language is used. Users can select any language.
    The language selected when logging in to viewLinc applies to the viewLinc display only.
    Audible alarm notification
    Choose to enable audible alarms on the user's device (desktop PC) when logged in to viewLinc. Audible alarms must be enabled in System Preferences.
    Only the most recently generated alarm initiates a sound. The user can turn off an audible alarm in the main viewLinc window by clicking the audible alarm icon  .
  7. If you want to use the REST API programming interface (included in the Web API license), create an authentication token to access viewLinc with your REST API application.
    1. Select Create to generate a token.
    2. Copy the generated token to your REST API application.
    3. To remove the token you generated from use, select Revoke. All requests made using the revoked token will be rejected.
      The REST API token can only be changed by the user that created the token. This also applies to administrator users: they cannot create or revoke the REST API tokens of other users.
    The Last used field shows the latest time when the token was used to access viewLinc.
  8. Choose the method of Authentication:
    Select this option to add a unique viewLinc password, then type a password in the Password and Confirm new password fields.
    Note the password complexity requirements: minimum length 8 characters, containing at least 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 digit, and 1 special character.
    Select this option to allow user to log into viewLinc with their current Windows password. Check that the Windows user name is added in the User name field (see the previous step), and then specify the Domain.
    You can require that users re-confirm their identity (re-enter their username and password) whenever a change is made in viewLinc, or after a set number of minutes. For instructions, see Setting authentication requirements.
  9. The authentication preference settings in this step are required only if you chose viewLinc authentication in 8. If you chose Windows authentication, move to 10.
    Set authentication preferences and account locking status for this user:
    1. Password never expires: the default setting is Expires according to system preferences (password expires according to the time limit set in System Preferences). If you want to switch password expiry off, select Never expires. This may be required, for example, for uninterrupted access through automatic systems such as API or OPC.
    2. Must change password on next login: select Yes or No.
    3. Account locked: select either Locked or Unlocked. If a user that uses viewLinc authentication has been locked out due to too many failed login attempts, an administrator can unlock the account with this selection.
    If you are creating a dedicated user for Vaisala OPC UA Server, prevent access interruptions by setting the Must change password on next login selection as No, and the Password never expires selection as Never expires.
  10. On the Groups tab, assign the user to a group. In the Selected column check all the groups you want the user to belong to. Review the Rights column to ensure you are giving this user the rights they need.
    If you are creating a dedicated user for Vaisala OPC UA Server, add this user to the dedicated Vaisala OPC UA Server group.
  11. Select Save.