Security requirements - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

viewLinc Enterprise Server software requires a secure end-to-end HTTPS connection to encrypt and protect data transmitted to logged in users. Certificate and security key files (stored on the Enterprise Server and in some cases on a client PC) are used to make the connection secure. During viewLinc installation you can choose to automatically generate a viewLinc-signed certificate or upload existing certificate files (viewLinc-signed or CA-signed/trusted).

Refer to your company's security policy to determine whether you can use generated certificates or require trusted certificates.

For frequently asked questions about security certificates, see Security certificate management tips.

If you use purchased certificates instead of viewLinc-signed certificates, see the information in Purchased certificate requirements.
viewLinc-signed Certificates Trusted Certificates
When to use For companies with network access limited to a few PCs. For companies with remote network access needs.
How to install Automatically created during viewLinc ES installation. Certificate request sent to a certificate signing authority for paid validation.
Validity Valid for up to 10 years. Valid for 2 years.
Cost Free. Cost varies/annual renewal fee.
Action required A network administrator can automatically distribute the certificate to network PCs. The certificate must be installed individually on non-network PCs. Install the trusted certificate on viewLinc ES.
User experience Until the certificate is installed on a user's PC, a warning message displays after user enters viewLinc address. User must acknowledge the warning to access viewLinc. When user tries to access viewLinc from a network or remote PC, no warning appears.

If you require a trusted certificate but do not have one yet, during installation choose to automatically generate certificate files. You can replace the generated files with trusted certificates at a later time.