Server requirements - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide
Server requirements
Property Description/value
Availability Dedicated server (a virtual server is recommended) available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Server management

Connected to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

A tested backup solution with support for open file backup

Synchronizes time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server

Operating system

Windows Server® 2022

Windows Server® 2022 Datacenter Edition

Windows Server® 2019

Windows Server® 2019 Datacenter Edition

Windows Server® 2016

Windows Server® 2016 Datacenter Edition

Windows® 10 Enterprise (64-bit)

Windows® 11 Pro

Application disk space 350 MB
Database disk space 1 200 KB/data point 2/day
Network traffic 3 Approx. 100 KB/minute/device
Web interface protocol 4 TLS 1.3
Security certificate for web interface Authorized TLS certificate and key 5
Email encoding RFC 2047
Secure email protocol TLS 1.3
Active Directory server 2048-bit RSA certificate
A supported Internet browser is only required on the viewLinc Enterprise Server computer if you plan to use it to run viewLinc.
Device host server requirements
Property Description/value
Availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Operating System

Windows Server® 2019

Windows Server® 2016

Windows Server® 2012 R2 (64-bit)

Windows® 10 (64-bit)

Disk space 2 GB
Internet browser

Google Chrome™

Microsoft® Edge™

Requirements based on system size
System size in measurement points 1 … 20 21 … 400 400+
Dedicated or shared server Either Either Dedicated
CPU 1.6 GHz dual core 1.6 GHz dual core 3.2 GHz quad core
RAM 8 GB 12 GB 16 GB
Disk space increase/year 1.5 GB/year for 20 data points 15 GB/year for 200 data points 75 GB/year for 1000 data points
Continuous free disk space for reports 6 2 GB 4 GB 10 GB
Client requirements
Property Description/value
Internet browser

Google Chrome™

Microsoft® Edge™

Computer clients Any network computer with a supported Internet browser, a minimum 2.4 GHz CPU, and 4 GB of RAM.
Display and tablet clients Touchscreen or mouse-operated panel with a supported Internet browser. Must be connected to the same network as viewLinc Enterprise Server.
Network ports
Default Type Used by
80 TCP Signal towers
389 TCP Active Directory (less secure)
443 TCP viewLinc web interface
502 TCP Modbus TCP-enabled devices
636 TCP Active Directory (secure connection)
771 TCP vNet and multi-port Ethernet devices
950 TCP Moxa serial-to-Wi-Fi devices
9065 UDP viewLinc Aware service for vNet discovery
12500 TCP Twilio web services
12600 TCP/UDP AP10 and viewLinc device host
55000 TCP Vaisala OPC UA Server
1 Not applicable to Device Host installation.
2 Data points are device channels monitoring and recording data.
3 Depends on number of devices, system configuration and type of communication devices used.
4 viewLinc 5.2 includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
5 viewLinc-signed certificate and key can be generated during installation.
6 1 month duration with 1 minute scan/sample