For larger viewLinc system installations, viewLinc Enterprise Server provides the option of adding multiple servers to act as device hosts. Connecting groups of devices to device hosts provides you with greater control over specific devices (group management for devices connected to a single host), and ensures greater network stability. AP10 access points are the device hosts which manage your RFL100-series data loggers. Additional third-party access points can be added to support groups of HMT140 data loggers.
For example, you may want to monitor devices in multiple offices. Rather than connecting all devices at each office location to the Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server machine, set up additional device hosts at each office to support local devices.
This setup allows you to:
- Manage devices more effectively. You may find it easier to pause alarming on all devices connected to a host, rather than trying to pause alarming on specific devices.
- Ensure even distribution of network traffic. Device hosts help manage the flow of device data to the Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server.