Viewing host and device properties - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

In Sites Manager select the Hosts and Devices tab to view device or host properties. Select the top viewLinc folder in the Hosts and Devices tree to include all devices in the Properties grid.

Device Properties - columns
Description System Preference in use - description or alias.
Description in Device Description preconfigured in device or modified in viewLinc.
Device Alias Long description configured in viewLinc.
Device ID ID assigned by viewLinc when device was added.
Device Status Connection status with viewLinc.
Serial Number Serial number associated with the device.
Probe Serial Number Displays the serial number of the probe if one is connected to the channel.
Probe Hardware Model The model of the changeable probe (for example, 'HMP115'). Shown if the connected probe supports providing this data to viewLinc.
Probe Hardware Revision The hardware revision number of the changeable probe (for example, '1.1'). Shown if the connected probe supports providing this data to viewLinc.
Probe Firmware Version The firmware version number of the changeable probe (for example, '2.1'). Shown if the connected probe supports providing this data to viewLinc.
Clock Battery Level An icon showing the status of the realtime clock battery. The status can be either normal: or low: . Shown if the connected device supports providing this data to viewLinc.
Sample Interval Interval between samples taken from device.
Log Capacity Estimated time remaining for data collection.
Device Address Address of device recognized in viewLinc.
Device IP Address The IP address of the device.
MAC Address MAC address of the channel's device, if available.
Security Status Only DL data loggers will display as Not secure. If a DL data logger indicates Tampered.
Next Calibration Date Displays next calibration date, if one is set in the device.
Calibrated By Company which completed most recent calibration service. SP data logger calibration information can only be found on the calibration certificate shipped with the device.
Channels Number of available channels for the selected device.
Device Alarming Indicates whether device alarming is paused.
Hardware Model Hardware model information for the channel's device.
Hardware Revision Latest hardware revision number for the channel's device.
Firmware Version Latest revision number of the firmware in the channel's device.
Transmit Period Time between each transmission.
Battery Level Estimated battery life remaining.
RSSI (Signal Strength) For wireless devices, displays the device signal strength (dBm)
Signal Quality For wireless devices, displays current signal quality,
SNR Signal to Noise ratio for wireless devices (dB).
Lock Status DL data loggers are either locked to viewLinc (Locked) and cannot be modified outside of viewLinc, are locked to vLog or another instance of viewLinc (Remote Lock), or are not yet locked to any software (Unlocked).
Realtime Only Yes indicates that the data logger only sends real-time data to viewLinc. It does not store data history.
Communication Alarm Template Name of alarm template in use for channel's device.
Configuration Alarm Template Name of alarm template in use for channel's device.
Validation Alarm Template Name of alarm template in use for channel's device
Calibration Alarm Template Name of alarm template in use for channel's device.
Channel Index Index number that the channel has assigned on its device.
Channel Description System Preference in use - description or alias.
Channel Description in Device Description provided with the device. Refer to the Location name.
Channel Alias Displays the alias, if one has been created in viewLinc.
Channel Alarming Indicates whether device alarming is paused
Channel ID Unique channel identifier.
Device Units Units measured (such as RH, C, mA, mV).
Editable Indicates whether the device has properties that can be modified in viewLinc.
Location Displays the Location name linked to the channel (if linked).
Host Properties - columns
Hostname Displays the host name for the selected device or channel.
Resolved Name For administrative purposes.
Description System Preference in use - description or alias.
Status Connection status with viewLinc.
Host IP Address Host IP address.
Host Type Indicates whether the selected host is the Vaisala viewLinc machine.
Number of Devices The number of devices connected to the host.
Version viewLinc version running on the host.
Status Indicates whether the host is currently connected to the viewLinc monitoring system.
viewLinc Aware Indicates whether the viewLinc Aware Service is enabled on the host.
Host Alarming Indicates that host alarms are currently enabled.
Installation Mode If host is a VaiNet access point, indicates whether status is enabled or disabled.
VaiNet Channel Indicates the channel being used for the VaiNet access point, if applicable.
Host ID Unique host identifier.