Editing location device alarm settings - viewLinc 5.2

Vaisala viewLinc Enterprise Server version 5.2 User Guide

Document code
viewLinc 5.2
Document type
User guide

Manage Alarm Templates

Device alarm settings can be set for individual devices, or applied to several devices at one time.

To modify device alarm settings you require Configure Alarms permission or higher for the selected Location(s).
  1. In Sites Manager in the Zones and Locations tree, select the Zone or Location you want to modify (CTRL+click to select multiple Zones and Locations).
  2. Select the Device Alarm Settings tab, and then select one or more device alarm rows in the grid.
  3. Select   Edit device alarm settings, then adjust settings in the Edit Device Alarm Settings window:
    Affected Locations
    Verify that all Locations linked to this device can be updated with new device alarm settings. If a device has multiple Locations linked to its channels, make sure that new alarm template settings are applicable to all affected Locations.
    If the status is disabled, viewLinc will not initiate the specified device alarm or device notifications.
    Device alarm template
    Select a device alarm template or accept the default option provided. Device alarm templates set the priority level for the device alarm condition, when it is issued, and if it needs to be acknowledged. If multiple device alarms selected, it is recommended not to change the current template selections.
    Alarm notification template
    Select an alarm notification template or accept the default option provided. Alarm notification templates specify who is notified, when and how. If multiple device alarms selected, it is recommended not to change the current template selections.
    Alarm message
    (Optional) Add a descriptive message to include in notification messages. This text is used in place of the [AlarmMessage] macro in the related default email templates, or can be added to a custom email/SMS/voice template.
    Alarm comment
    (Optional) Select from the list of available predefined comments, or type a custom comment to include in notification messages. This text is used in place of the [Comments] macro in the related default email templates, or can be added to a custom email/SMS/voice template.
  4. Select Save.