AWS810 Solar Edition Modbus register map - AWS810-SOLAR

AWS810 Solar Edition System Description

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Technical description

The interface is described in its full static extent as a traditional Modbus map.

When used as a dynamic SunSpec Modbus interface, different models, as identified by their SunSpec model identifiers, are present or missing depending on the configuration of the system. The only fixed block is the common model contained in addresses 1 through 69.

The default TCP port for the interface is 5020.

For SunSpec Modbus specifications, see

Table reading instructions
Value Description
Address Modbus register address
Length Number of Modbus registers for the data
Description Content of the register. Registers that contain measurements provide 1‑minute averages.
Datatype Data type for the content
Unit Unit of measure

Power of ten to multiply the value with to scale a measurement.

For example, factor −1 applied to register value 123 gives 12.3 as the measurement value.

Fixed value Fixed register value, if any. If fixed value is the same as error value, it indicates that the measurement is unavailable in the product.
Error value Value for an unavailable measurement, either due to a measurement failure or the measurement not being present in the setup.
To use the static Modbus register addresses described in the following table, enable the useStatic parameter in the sunspec_modbus parameter group. If the parameter is disabled, the dynamic Modbus register addresses, as defined by SunSpec, are used.
AWS810 Solar Edition Modbus register map
Address Length Description Datatype Unit Factor Fixed value Error value
0 2 SunSpec Modbus map identifier string n/a n/a SunS Empty
2 1 SunSpec common model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 1 Empty
3 1 Common model length uint16 n/a n/a 65 Empty
4 16 Manufacturer string n/a n/a Vaisala Empty
20 16 Model string n/a n/a AWS810 Solar Edition Empty
36 8 Options string n/a n/a Empty Empty
44 8 Firmware version string n/a n/a Empty Empty
52 16 Serial number string n/a n/a Empty Empty
68 1 Modbus address uint16 n/a n/a 0 Empty
69 1 Even padding int16 n/a n/a Empty Empty
70 1 Sunspec base met model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 307 Empty
71 1 Base met model length uint16 n/a n/a 11 Empty
72 1 Ambient temperature int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
73 1 Relative humidity int16 % 0 Empty −32768
74 1 Barometric pressure int16 hPa 0 Empty −32768
75 1 Wind speed int16 m/s 0 Empty −32768
76 1 Wind direction int16 deg 0 Empty −32768
77 1 Rainfall int16 mm 0 Empty −32768
78 1 Snow depth int16 mm 0 −32768 −32768
79 1 Precipitation type int16 WMO4680 0 −32768 −32768
80 1 Electric field int16 Vm 0 −32768 −32768
81 1 Surface wetness int16 kO 0 −32768 −32768
82 1 Soil wetness int16 % 0 −32768 −32768
83 1 Sunspec irradiance model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 302 Empty
84 1 Irradiance model length uint16 n/a n/a 15 Empty
85 1 Global horizontal irradiance #1 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
86 1 Plane of array irradiance #1 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
87 1 Diffuse irradiance #1 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
88 1 Direct irradiance #1 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
89 1 Rear side plane of array irradiance #1 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
90 1 Global horizontal irradiance #2 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
91 1 Plane of array irradiance #2 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
92 1 Diffuse irradiance #2 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
93 1 Direct irradiance #2 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
94 1 Rear side plane of array irradiance #2 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
95 1 Global horizontal irradiance uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
96 1 Plane of array irradiance #3 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
97 1 Diffuse irradiance #3 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
98 1 Direct irradiance #3 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
99 1 Rear side plane of array irradiance #3 uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
100 1 Sunspec BOM temperature model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 303 Empty
101 1 Back of module temperature model length uint16 n/a n/a 3 Empty
102 1 Back of module temperature #1 int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
103 1 Back of module temperature #2 int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
104 1 Back of module temperature #3 int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
105 1 Back of module temperature #4 int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
106 1 Sunspec inclinometer model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 304 Empty
107 1 Inclinometer model length uint16 n/a n/a 48 Empty
108 2 X axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
110 2 Y axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
112 2 Z axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
114 2 X axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
116 2 Y axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
118 2 Z axis tilt angle for GHI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
120 2 X axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
122 2 Y axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
124 2 Z axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
126 2 X axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
128 2 Y axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
130 2 Z axis tilt angle for POAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
132 2 X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
134 2 Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
136 2 Z axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #1 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
138 2 X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
140 2 Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
142 2 Z axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #2 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
144 2 X axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #3 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
146 2 Y axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #3 int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
148 2 Z axis tilt angle for RPOAI sensor #3 int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
150 2 X axis tilt angle for DustIQ int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
152 2 Y axis tilt angle for DustIQ int32 deg −2 Empty −2147483648
154 2 Z axis tilt angle for DustIQ int32 deg −2 −2147483648 −2147483648
156 1 Vaisala Albedo model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 64900 Empty
157 1 Albedo model length uint16 n/a n/a 3 Empty
158 1 Albedo instant value uint16 n/a −2 Empty 65535
159 1 Albedo 24 h average uint16 n/a −2 Empty 65535
160 1 Global horizontal irradiance reflected #1 uint16 n/a 0 Empty 65535
161 1 Vaisala System status model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 64901 Empty
162 1 System status model length uint16 n/a n/a 3 Empty
163 1 DC supply voltage uint16 V −1 Empty 65535
164 1 Internal temperature int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
165 1 Enclosure door closed uint16 n/a 0 Empty 65535
166 1 Vaisala Soiling model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 64902 Empty
167 1 Soiling model length uint16 n/a n/a 14 Empty
168 1 Soiling ratio 1 uint16 % −1 Empty 65535
169 1 Soiling ratio 1 24 h mean uint16 % −1 Empty 65535
170 1 Soiling ratio 2 uint16 % −1 Empty 65535
171 1 Soiling ratio 2 24 h mean uint16 % −1 Empty 65535
172 1 Transmission loss 1 int16 % −1 Empty −32768
173 1 Transmission loss 1 24 h mean int16 % −1 Empty −32768
174 1 Transmission loss 2 int16 % −1 Empty −32768
175 1 Transmission loss 2 24 h mean int16 % −1 Empty −32768
176 1 Operating voltage uint16 V −3 Empty 65535
177 1 Operating mode uint16 n/a n/a Empty 65535
178 1 Status flags uint16 n/a n/a Empty 65535
179 1 Calibration status berofe uint16 n/a n/a Empty 65535
180 1 Calibration status after uint16 n/a n/a Empty 65535
181 1 Sunspec irradiance model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 302 Empty
182 1 Irradiance model length uint16 n/a n/a 5 Empty
183 1 Global horizontal irradiance #4 (SPN1 total irradiance) uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
184 1 Plane of array irradiance #4 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
185 1 Diffuse irradiance #4 (SPN1 diffuse irradiance) uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
186 1 Direct irradiance #4 uint16 W/m² 0 65535 65535
187 1 Reference irradiance (reference panel irradiance) uint16 W/m² 0 Empty 65535
188 1 Sunspec BOM temperature model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 303 Empty
189 1 Back of module temperature model length uint16 n/a n/a 1 Empty
190 1 Back of module temperature #1 (reference panel temperature) int16 °C −1 Empty −32768
191 1 SunSpec end of model identifier uint16 n/a n/a 65535 Empty
192 1 SunSpec end of model length uint16 n/a n/a 0 Empty